Bug 117940 - port update: mail/assp from to
Summary: port update: mail/assp from to
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Beech Rintoul
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-11-09 13:30 UTC by J.R. Oldroyd
Modified: 2007-12-14 00:50 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

file.diff (8.29 KB, patch)
2007-11-09 13:30 UTC, J.R. Oldroyd
no flags Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description J.R. Oldroyd 2007-11-09 13:30:01 UTC
port update: mail/assp from to
Comment 1 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2007-11-09 13:30:37 UTC
Class Changed
From-To: update->maintainer-update

Fix category (submitter is maintainer) (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Comment 2 J.R. Oldroyd 2007-11-09 13:40:47 UTC
There's a missed change in the pkg-plist in the original port update
email.  Please use this diff instead.

diff -ruN /usr/ports/mail/assp/Makefile mail/assp/Makefile
--- /usr/ports/mail/assp/Makefile	Thu Oct 11 20:32:21 2007
+++ mail/assp/Makefile	Thu Nov  1 16:44:37 2007
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 # Date created:				16 May 2005
 # Whom:					J.R. Oldroyd <fbsd@opal.com>
-# $FreeBSD: ports/mail/assp/Makefile,v 1.12 2007/10/12 00:32:21 tabthorpe Exp $
+# $FreeBSD: ports/mail/assp/Makefile,v 1.11 2007/01/31 16:45:06 rafan Exp $
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
 NO_BUILD=	yes
-USE_DOS2UNIX=	addservice.pl \
+		../Install.txt \
+		../changelog.txt \
+		addservice.pl \
 		assp.pl \
-		changelog.txt \
 		files/URIBLCCTLDS.txt \
 		files/blackdomains.txt \
 		files/bombre.txt \
@@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
 		files/redre.txt \
 		files/whitedomains.txt \
 		move2num.pl \
+		rc/readme.txt \
 		rebuildspamdb.pl \
 		repair.pl \
 		reports/helpreport.txt \
diff -ruN /usr/ports/mail/assp/distinfo mail/assp/distinfo
--- /usr/ports/mail/assp/distinfo	Thu Oct 11 20:32:21 2007
+++ mail/assp/distinfo	Thu Nov  1 16:34:30 2007
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (ASSP_1.3.3.1-Install.zip) = 9ce0cc17ee9c8d8cb03d258b69812a11
-SHA256 (ASSP_1.3.3.1-Install.zip) = 810bebed2f48a480c7e7458fb9b6e2fbe3f39c441d74aa8471b458aa0e33e47b
-SIZE (ASSP_1.3.3.1-Install.zip) = 362975
+MD5 (ASSP_1.3.3.8-Install.zip) = fad56889a74acc10769789bdc887f620
+SHA256 (ASSP_1.3.3.8-Install.zip) = 48a84aa63cbcff99833710c7ccbef69933558e98368982456f5ec8d201fad3ba
+SIZE (ASSP_1.3.3.8-Install.zip) = 332926
diff -ruN /usr/ports/mail/assp/files/patch-assp.pl mail/assp/files/patch-assp.pl
--- /usr/ports/mail/assp/files/patch-assp.pl	Thu Oct 11 20:32:21 2007
+++ mail/assp/files/patch-assp.pl	Thu Nov  1 16:40:54 2007
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
---- assp.pl.orig	Fri Aug  3 14:10:49 2007
-+++ assp.pl	Fri Aug  3 14:12:21 2007
+--- assp.pl.orig	Thu Nov  1 16:37:53 2007
++++ assp.pl	Thu Nov  1 16:40:38 2007
 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  use File::Copy;
  use Encode;
-@@ -803,8 +803,8 @@
- [ScanWL,'Scan Whitelisted Senders',0,checkbox,'1','(.*)',undef,''],
- [ScanNP,'Scan No Processing Senders',0,checkbox,'','(.*)',undef,''],
- [ScanLocal,'Scan Local Senders',0,checkbox,'','(.*)',undef,''],
+@@ -844,8 +844,8 @@
+ [ScanWL,'Scan Whitelisted Senders',0,checkbox,0,'([01]?)',undef,''],
+ [ScanNP,'Scan No Processing Senders',0,checkbox,0,'([01]?)',undef,''],
+ [ScanLocal,'Scan Local Senders',0,checkbox,0,'([01]?)',undef,''],
 -[AvClamdPort,'Port or file socket for ClamAV',20,textinput,'/tmp/clamd','(\S+)',undef,
 -  'A socket specified in the clamav.conf file - LocalSocket. For example /tmp/clamd. If the socket has been setup as a TCP/IP socket (see the TCPSocket option in the clamav.conf file), then specify the TCP socket. For example 3310 '],
 +[AvClamdPort,'Port or file socket for ClamAV',20,textinput,'/var/run/clamav/clamd','(\S+)',undef,
@@ -17,21 +17,21 @@
  [AvError,'Reply Message to Refuse Infected E<!--get rid of google autofill-->mail',80,textinput,'554 5.7.1 Mail appears infected with \'$infection\'.','(5\d\d .*)',undef,
    'Reply message to refuse infected mail. The string $infection is replaced with the name of the detected virus.<br />
    For example: 554 5.7.1 Mail appears infected with \'$infection\' -- disinfect and resend.'],
-@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@
+@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
    '<span class="negative"> 0 = no report, 1 = to SENDER, 2 = to TO address (below), 3 = BOTH</span>'],
  [EmailRedlistTo,'To Address for Redlist-Reports',40,textinput,'','(.+)',undef,
    'Email sent from ASSP acknowledging your submissions will be sent to this address. For example: admin@domain.com'],
 -[EmailFrom,'From Address for Reports',40,textinput,'<spammaster@yourdomain.com>','(.+)',undef,
 +[EmailFrom,'From Address for Reports',40,textinput,'<postmaster@yourdomain.com>','(.+)',undef,
    'Email sent from ASSP acknowledging your submissions will be sent from this address.'],
- [NoHaiku,'Legacy: Don\'t reply to messages to the Email Interface',0,checkbox,0,'([01]?)',undef,
-   'Check this option to suppress email reports for spam and not-spam reports, whitelist and redlist additions/deletions via the email interface.<br /><hr />
-@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@
+@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@
  [0,0,0,'heading','Server Setup'],
  [AsAService,'Run ASSP as a Windows Service**',0,checkbox,0,'([01]?)',undef,
-   'In Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 ASSP can be installed as a service. This setting tells ASSP that this has been done -- it does not install the Windows service for you. Installing ASSP as a service requires several steps which are detailed in the <a href="http://www.asspsmtp.org/wiki/Quick_Start_for_Win32">Quick Start for Win32</a> wiki page.','Basic'],
+   'In Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 ASSP can be installed as a service. This setting tells ASSP that this has been done -- it does not install the Windows service for you. Installing ASSP as a service requires several steps which are detailed in the <a href="http://www.asspsmtp.org/wiki/Quick_Start_for_Win32">Quick Start for Win32</a> wiki page.'],
 -[AsADaemon,'Run ASSP as a Daemon**',0,checkbox,0,'([01]?)',undef,
 +[AsADaemon,'Run ASSP as a Daemon**',0,checkbox,1,'([01]?)',undef,
-  'In Linux/BSD/Unix/OSX fork and close file handles. Similar to the command "perl assp.pl &amp;", but better.','Basic'],
+  'In Linux/BSD/Unix/OSX fork and close file handles. Similar to the command "perl assp.pl &amp;", but better.'],
  [runAsUser,'Run as UID**',20,textinput,'','(\S*)',undef,
-   'The *nix user name to assume after startup (*nix only).<p><small><i>Examples:</i> assp, nobody</small>','Basic'],
+   'The *nix user name to assume after startup (*nix only).<p><small><i>Examples:</i> assp, nobody</small></p>'],
diff -ruN /usr/ports/mail/assp/files/patch-stats.sh mail/assp/files/patch-stats.sh
--- /usr/ports/mail/assp/files/patch-stats.sh	Thu Oct 11 20:32:21 2007
+++ mail/assp/files/patch-stats.sh	Thu Nov  8 10:43:58 2007
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---- stats.sh.orig	Fri Aug  3 23:48:56 2007
-+++ stats.sh	Fri Aug  3 23:49:15 2007
+--- stats.sh.orig	Thu Nov  8 10:30:36 2007
++++ stats.sh	Thu Nov  8 10:43:14 2007
 @@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
  # I got the idea for this script from Mark Constable. He submitted
  #  a similar script to follow the Courier-MTA /var/log/maillog
-@@ -46,91 +47,279 @@
+@@ -46,91 +47,283 @@
  # Some fields are truncated (with a hard-coded length value, usually 40)
  #   to keep each line more or less intact on your screen as things scroll by
  # Colors are coded with ANSI Color coding, your mileage may vary ...
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
 +        $(p+8) )
 +    next
 +  }
-+  /Unknown Sender with Local Domain/ {
++  /Unknown Sender (with|from) Local Domain/ {
 +    printf("%s %s \033[1;34m%-15s IS  %s\033[0m\n",
 +        $1,
 +        $2,
@@ -253,11 +253,11 @@
 +    # suppress
 +    next
 +  }
-+  /((DNS|URI)BL )?Received-(R|DNS|URI)BL: (pass|neutral|fail)/ {
++  /((DNS|URI)BL )?Received-(R|DNS|URI)BL: (pass|neutral|fail)|URIBL fail|Bayesian Check URIBL/ {
 +    # suppress
 +    next
 +  }
-+  /failed DNSBL|failed (R|URI)BL checks|Received-RBL: fail|\[DNSBL].* rejected by / {
++  /failed (DNS|URI)BL|failed (R|URI)BL checks|Received-RBL: fail|\[DNSBL].* rejected by / {
 +    printf("%s %s \033[1;35m%-15s BL  %s -> %s\033[0m\n",
 +        $1,
 +        $2,
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
 +        $(p+7) )
 +    next
 +  }
-+  /Received-SPF: (pass|neutral)| SPF: fail/ {
++  /Received-SPF: (pass|neutral)| SPF: (soft)?fail|SPFstrict/ {
 +    # suppress
 +    next
 +  }
@@ -376,6 +376,10 @@
 +	$(p+4),
 +	$(p+8), $(p+9), $(p+10), $(p+11),
 +	substr($(p+12),8,40) )
++    next
++  }
++  /PBextreme:monitoring|([ValidHelo]|[InvalidHelo]|[PTRmissing])[scoring]/ {
++    # suppress
 +    next
 +  }
 +  /Message Limit/ {
diff -ruN /usr/ports/mail/assp/pkg-plist mail/assp/pkg-plist
--- /usr/ports/mail/assp/pkg-plist	Thu Oct 11 20:32:21 2007
+++ mail/assp/pkg-plist	Fri Nov  9 08:34:34 2007
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 @dirrm lib/assp
-%%PORTDOCS%%%%DOCSDIR%%/ASSP Documentation.htm
+%%PORTDOCS%%%%DOCSDIR%%/Legacy - ASSP Documentation.htm
 %%PORTDOCS%%%%DOCSDIR%%/Regular Expression Tutorial.htm
 %%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
 @unexec rm -f %%ASSP_HOME%%/reports 2>/dev/null || true
Comment 3 Beech Rintoul freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2007-11-10 04:09:03 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->beech

I'll take it.
Comment 4 dfilter service freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2007-12-14 00:45:01 UTC
beech       2007-12-14 00:44:55 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    mail/assp            Makefile distinfo pkg-plist 
    mail/assp/files      patch-assp.pl patch-stats.sh 
  - Update to
  PR:             ports/117940
  Submitted by:   J.R. Oldroyd <fbsd@opal.com> (maintainer)
  Approved by:    linimon (mentor)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +7 -5      ports/mail/assp/Makefile
  1.10      +3 -3      ports/mail/assp/distinfo
  1.7       +13 -13    ports/mail/assp/files/patch-assp.pl
  1.4       +11 -7     ports/mail/assp/files/patch-stats.sh
  1.6       +6 -6      ports/mail/assp/pkg-plist
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Comment 5 Beech Rintoul freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2007-12-14 00:45:37 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed, Thanks!