This module provides an XPath engine, that can be re-used by other module/classes that implement trees. In order to use the XPath engine, nodes in the user module need to mimick DOM nodes. The degree of similitude between the user tree and a DOM dictates how much of the XPath features can be used. A module implementing all of the DOM should be able to use this module very easily (you might need to add the cmp method on nodes in order to get ordered result sets). This code is a more or less direct copy of the XML::XPath module by Matt Sergeant. I only removed the XML processing part to remove the dependency on XML::Parser, applied a couple of patches, renamed a whole lot of methods to make Pod::Coverage happy, and changed the docs. Author: Michel Rodriguez, <> WWW: Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.77
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->clsung I'll take it.
State Changed From-To: open->closed New port added. Thank You.