- update net/nss_ldap to the recent version 251 - install the nss_ldap manpage, so users have a chance to find some information about it - slightly adjust the path of the referenced files in the manpage before installing it, to match the FreeBSD reality Fix: - apply the patch
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Awaiting maintainers feedback
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->tmclaugh Grab
In addition, can --enable-configurable-krb5-ccname-env be added to the CONFIGURE_ARGS? To make krb5_ccname work in the nss_ldap.conf, nss_ldap must be built with either --enable-configurable-krb5-ccname-env or --enable-configurable-krb5-ccname-gssapi. The env method requires no kerberos dependency while the GSSAPI method does and only works with MIT's krb5. Thanks. tom
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed (received okay from maintainer in private email) Update committed... a few days ago by me. Thanks.