Attached is the shar file for www/trac-gantt. A plugin for www/trac to generate gantt chart based on ticket info. Fix: --- attached file begins here --- --- attached file ends here -----SojN93DoVXBRGM5u1SksrfzNzwYZ7yu3kvVrQIRKzsoizNWt Content-Type: text/plain; name="file.shar" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file.shar" # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt # /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/distinfo # /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/Makefile # /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-descr # /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-plist # echo c - /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt mkdir -p /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/distinfo << 'END-of-/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/distinfo' XMD5 (TracGantt-0.2.4.tar.gz) = 1d8773dbfa890760523b086f96c5ed8b XSHA256 (TracGantt-0.2.4.tar.gz) = 90b4ab8a49a918423c7b39512af285abe9b73d277d17441ef25fed1f26942edf XSIZE (TracGantt-0.2.4.tar.gz) = 6623 END-of-/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/distinfo echo x - /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/Makefile << 'END-of-/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: trac-gantt X# Date created: July 12 2006 X# Whom: Dryice Liu <> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= TracGantt XPORTVERSION= 0.2.4 XCATEGORIES= www devel python XMASTER_SITES= \ X XPKGNAMEPREFIX= trac- X XMAINTAINER= XCOMMENT= A plugin to creates Gantt charts for trac X XRUN_DEPENDS+= tracd:${PORTSDIR}/www/trac XBUILD_DEPENDS+= easy_install:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-setuptools X XUSE_PYTHON= 2.3+ XPLIST_SUB+= PORTVERSION=${PORTVERSION} PYTHONVERSION=${_PYTHON_VERSION} X X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) XPORTDOCS= PKG-INFO README X.endif X Xdo-build: X cd ${WRKSRC}; \ X ${PYTHON_CMD} bdist_egg X Xdo-install: X.for i in * X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dist/${i} ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/ X.endfor X X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) X ${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} X.for i in ${PORTDOCS} X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${i} ${DOCSDIR} X.endfor X.endif X X.include <> END-of-/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/Makefile echo x - /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-descr << 'END-of-/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-descr' XA plugin for the Trac project/source code management system that Xcreates Gantt charts based on ticket reports. It is a Xwork-in-progress. X XA Gantt chart is a graphical representation of the duration of tasks Xagainst the progression of time. Gantt charts are very useful for Xplanning a scheduling a project based on different tasks that will Xneed to be completed and their durations and dependencies on other Xtasks. X XThe TracGantt plugin uses Trac's ticketing system to generate Gantt Xcharts based on existing Trac Ticket Reports (found under the "View XTickets" tab in Trac). The Gantt charts are pure XHTML and are Xgenerated on-the-fly from the ticket reports, using only the tickets Xprovided by the report. X XWWW: END-of-/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-descr echo x - /usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-plist << 'END-of-/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-plist' X%%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/TracGantt-%%PORTVERSION%%-py%%PYTHONVERSION%%.egg END-of-/usr/ports/www/trac-gantt/pkg-plist exit
State Changed From-To: open->closed New port added. Thanks!