- rc.d scripts are changed to show error messages when some error occurs. (It didn't show error messages even if they are fatal.) - Each rc.d script now logs all messages got at starting a daemon. - pkg-install is made to automatically make a user to execute dkfilter which is specified by Makefile. - pkg-deinstall is made to notice that an admin should remove the user made at install-time if they don't need him or her. Fix: Adding following entry to /usr/ports/UIDs might be required. dkfilter:*:325:325:DK Filter Owner:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin Also, adding folliwng entry to /usr/ports/GIDs might be required. dkfilter:*:325: Use patch below to apply changes. How-To-Repeat: n/a
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->rafan Eat.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!