Relinquishing port maintainer status on the following ports. Email address' included will be closed. mail/libspf2-10 mail/libsrs2 mail/p5-Mail-Alias mail/p5-Mail-SRS net-im/p5-Net-MSN textproc/p5-Hash-Merge Fix: 1] Tag each mail you send as a PR 2] Get spam 3] Deny all from that mail tag 4] Count the denies 5] Thank the guys for the effort in contacting you 6] Relinquish status of Maintained Ports 7] Feel bad about it Suggestion, some sort of basic encoding of email address' when published (it goes a few places..) Maybe an image (captcha) of the email address which is also then a sed s/@/\(at\)/ |sed 's/\./\(dot\)/' or something similar How-To-Repeat: This is easy, maintain or submit a PR, this involves your email address being posted all over, and spammers picking it up, your mailserver then falls over due to the volume of 'spam' sent to tagged email address. I don't need a larger penis, hot XXX babes, or friends from Nigeria whose relatives want to give me MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, or stock trades, yeah I hate those too.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->itetcu I'll take it.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!