When installing a port with only a subset of the man pages translated into other languages, it is not currently possible to account for those translated pages using MANLANG and the MAN[N] variables in the port's Makefile. If you set MANLANG, it expects *all* man pages listed in MAN[N] to be installed for every language. The attached patch to bsd.ports.mk allows a port maintainer to set MAN_PARTIAL_TRANSLATIONS to a list of two character languages codes that only have some of their man pages translated. Then, MAN[N]_[LANG] can be set for each section N and each language specified in MAN_PARTIAL_TRANSLATIONS LANG to list the man pages specific to that language which the port installs. See also http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2006-November/036836.html Note that this patch doesn't provide any sort of MLINKS functionality for partially translated man pages. How-To-Repeat: Create a port that installs english man pages foo.1 and bar.1, and the German man page foo.1. Set MANLANG= "" de and set MAN1= foo.1 bar.1, and make will complain that the German version of bar.1 was not installed.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->portmgr bsd.port.mk is port manager territory
I agree with the intent of your patch but don't like the addition of the MAN_PARTIAL_TRANSLATIONS variable. It seems that you don't need it though: * keep the meaning of MANLANG as before * When iterating through each element of MANLANG, check for MAN_${sect}_${lang}. If it exists, install those manpages, otherwise install the MAN_${sect} manpages. Kris
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Waiting for revised patch
Here is a new patch which does what you suggest. MAN${sect} continues its current behavior, and extra man pages that don't get installed for all languages in MANLANG can be separately specified with MAN$ {sect}_${lang}. Thanks! Nick
State Changed From-To: feedback->open New, good patch received
State Changed From-To: open->analyzed Accepted for a test build on the cluster.
State Changed From-To: analyzed->closed This patch has been committed, thanks.