Bug 106526 - [NEW PORT] devel/p5-IO-AIO: Asynchronous Input/Output
Summary: [NEW PORT] devel/p5-IO-AIO: Asynchronous Input/Output
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Cheng-Lung Sung
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-12-09 12:20 UTC by gslin
Modified: 2006-12-09 15:50 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

p5-IO-AIO-2.2.shar (3.05 KB, text/plain)
2006-12-09 12:20 UTC, gslin
no flags Details

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Description gslin 2006-12-09 12:20:09 UTC
This module implements asynchronous I/O using whatever means your
operating system supports.

Asynchronous means that operations that can normally block your
program (e.g. reading from disk) will be done asynchronously: the
operation will still block, but you can do something else in the
meantime. This is extremely useful for programs that need to stay
interactive even when doing heavy I/O (GUI programs, high performance
network servers etc.), but can also be used to easily do operations in
parallel that are normally done sequentially, e.g. stat'ing many files,
which is much faster on a RAID volume or over NFS when you do a number
of stat operations concurrently.

While most of this works on all types of file descriptors (for example
sockets), using these functions on file descriptors that support
nonblocking operation (again, sockets, pipes etc.) is very inefficient
or might not work (aio_read fails on sockets/pipes/fifos). Use an
event loop for that (such as the Event module): IO::AIO will naturally
fit into such an event loop itself.

WWW:	http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-AIO/

Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.77
Comment 1 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2006-12-09 12:20:23 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->clsung

clsung@ wants his PRs
Comment 2 dfilter service freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2006-12-09 15:48:48 UTC
miwi        2006-12-09 15:48:32 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    devel                Makefile 
  Added files:
    devel/p5-IO-AIO      Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist 
  This module implements asynchronous I/O using whatever means your
  operating system supports.
  Asynchronous means that operations that can normally block your
  program (e.g. reading from disk) will be done asynchronously: the
  operation will still block, but you can do something else in the
  meantime. This is extremely useful for programs that need to stay
  interactive even when doing heavy I/O (GUI programs, high performance
  network servers etc.), but can also be used to easily do operations in
  parallel that are normally done sequentially, e.g. stat'ing many files,
  which is much faster on a RAID volume or over NFS when you do a number
  of stat operations concurrently.
  While most of this works on all types of file descriptors (for example
  sockets), using these functions on file descriptors that support
  nonblocking operation (again, sockets, pipes etc.) is very inefficient
  or might not work (aio_read fails on sockets/pipes/fifos). Use an
  event loop for that (such as the Event module): IO::AIO will naturally
  fit into such an event loop itself.
  WWW:    http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-AIO/
  Notes: For index unbreak.
  PR:             ports/106526
  Submitted by:   Gea-Suan Lin <gslin at gslin.org>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2543    +1 -0      ports/devel/Makefile
  1.1       +31 -0     ports/devel/p5-IO-AIO/Makefile (new)
  1.1       +3 -0      ports/devel/p5-IO-AIO/distinfo (new)
  1.1       +21 -0     ports/devel/p5-IO-AIO/pkg-descr (new)
  1.1       +9 -0      ports/devel/p5-IO-AIO/pkg-plist (new)
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Comment 3 Martin Wilke freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2006-12-09 15:49:35 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

New port added. Thanks!