The lang/ghc port builds ghc (which is written in ghc) by using a minimal bootstrap compiler distribution. The ghc build is patched to use this uninstalled bootstrap compiler "in place". Unfortunately, this patching is incomplete; the configure script in the ghc/ subdirectory wants to run the ghc-pkg command from the bootstrap compiler, but fails to find it. This results in ghc building with incomplete readline support, so that running ghci results in a prompt in raw tty mode with no line editing capabilities. (In a proper bootstrap situation, building the stage1 compiler would be followed by building stage2 and stage3; these later stages do not use the bootstrap ghc-pkg, so would correctly detect readline.) Fix: There are two possible ways to fix this: patch ghc/configure to run the bootstrap ghc-pkg, or arrange for bootstrap ghc-pkg to be in $PATH. (Presumably this also requires something to be done about, but that's also true for the bootstrap ghc itself.) It's up to the port maintainer to decide which is preferable. How-To-Repeat: cd /usr/ports/lang/ghc make install clean # hash -r or rehash as needed ghci
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->haskell Over to maintainer
You're right, it's broken. I'm currently working on an upgrade anyway and will fix this on my way there (but please don't hold your breath, I have to do this in a slow VirtualPC environment). Thanks for the analysis! Volker
State Changed From-To: open->closed Fix in update to 6.6. Thanks for your submission!