pptpd v1.3.4 Usage: pptpd [options], where options are: [-c] [--conf file] Specifies the config file to read default settings from (default is /usr/local/etc/pptpd.conf). [-d] [--debug] Turns on debugging (to syslog). [-e] [--ppp file] Use alternate pppd binary, default /usr/sbin/ppp. [-f] [--fg] Run in foreground. [-h] [--help] Displays this help message. [-i] [--noipparam] Suppress the passing of the client's IP address to PPP, which is done by default otherwise. [-l] [--listen x.x.x.x] Specifies IP of local interface to listen to. [-p] [--pidfile file] Specifies the file to write the process ID to (default is /var/run/pptpd.pid). [-t] [--stimeout seconds] Specifies the timeout for the first packet. This is a DOS protection Segmentation fault () Fix: net/poptop/files/patch-pptpd.c - printf(" (default is %s).\n",STIMEOUT_DEFAULT); + printf(" (default is %d).\n",STIMEOUT_DEFAULT); How-To-Repeat: pptpd --help
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->ehaupt I will take care of it.
ehaupt 2008-11-27 22:36:52 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net/poptop Makefile net/poptop/files patch-pptpd.c Added files: net/poptop/files patch-plugins_Makefile Log: - Fix a segmentation fault - Bump PORTREVISION - Respect CC and CFLAGS PR: 129042 Submitted by: zlopi.ru <zlopi.ru@gmail.com> Revision Changes Path 1.31 +2 -2 ports/net/poptop/Makefile 1.1 +16 -0 ports/net/poptop/files/patch-plugins_Makefile (new) 1.3 +3 -3 ports/net/poptop/files/patch-pptpd.c _______________________________________________ cvs-all@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/cvs-all To unsubscribe, send any mail to "cvs-all-unsubscribe@freebsd.org"
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!