Mark MAKE_JOBS_SAFE for SMP compilation. This is the same for gcc42, gcc43, gcc44. Port maintainer ( is cc'd. Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.77
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->gerald Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
gerald 2009-03-29 21:48:30 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: lang/gcc34 Makefile Log: Set MAKE_JOBS_SAFE to allow for parallel builds. PR: 133062 Submitted by: mm Revision Changes Path 1.251 +1 -0 ports/lang/gcc34/Makefile _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
State Changed From-To: open->closed I was already planning to enable this in all GCC ports (after I had done regular testing with make -j over the last couple of years) and had lang/gcc4x under testing. With this, lang/gcc34 is also updated. Thanks!