deskutils/egroupware does not have "USE_PHP+= session", which provides the required session_name() function for PHP. Fix: add USE_PHP += session to the makefile How-To-Repeat: install egroupware on an empty system, try to access the main page.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-www->freebsd-ports-bugs ports PR.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!
miwi 2009-05-29 12:16:35 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: deskutils/egroupware Makefile Log: - Add missing php dependency PR: 133435 Submitted by: Andrew <> Approved by: maintainer implicit Revision Changes Path 1.34 +2 -1 ports/deskutils/egroupware/Makefile _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""