Bug 133707 - ports: www/spawn-fcgi conflicts with www/lighttpd
Summary: ports: www/spawn-fcgi conflicts with www/lighttpd
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Marcus Alves Grando
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-04-13 16:10 UTC by Aragon Gouveia
Modified: 2009-04-25 05:20 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

patch.txt (4.96 KB, text/plain)
2009-04-13 18:52 UTC, Aragon Gouveia
no flags Details
patch.txt (4.96 KB, text/plain)
2009-04-13 19:15 UTC, Aragon Gouveia
no flags Details

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Description Aragon Gouveia 2009-04-13 16:10:01 UTC
In the recently added www/spawn-fcgi port, no CONFLICTS directive was added to resolve its conflict with www/lighttpd which also installs spawn-fcgi into the same location.

I recommend the following be added to www/spawn-fcgi's Makefile:

CONFLICTS=	lighttpd-1.3.[6-9] lighttpd-1.4.? lighttpd-1.[34].?[0-2]

Lighttpd includes spawn-fcgi since 1.3.6 and will probably exclude it in 1.4.23 as hinted here:

Comment 1 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2009-04-13 16:36:54 UTC
Maintainer of www/spawn-fcgi,

Please note that PR ports/133707 has just been submitted.

If it contains a patch for an upgrade, an enhancement or a bug fix
you agree on, reply to this email stating that you approve the patch
and a committer will take care of it.

The full text of the PR can be found at:

Edwin Groothuis via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool
Comment 2 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2009-04-13 16:36:56 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->feedback

Awaiting maintainers feedback (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Comment 3 Wesley Shields freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2009-04-13 17:56:12 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->wxs

I'll take it.
Comment 4 Aragon Gouveia 2009-04-13 18:52:36 UTC
Since reporting this PR I had a better idea.  Instead of creating these 
CONFLICTS directives in both ports, I figured it'd be more future proof 
to better prepare the lighttpd port for a seperate spawn-fcgi utility 
right now.

Attached is a patch which updates www/lighttpd - it creates two patch 
files which disable the building of spawn-fcgi included with the 
lighttpd distfile, and adds an OPTIONS tunable that makes the new 
www/spawn-fcgi port a run dependency.

I thought this would be a better solution than having the two ports 
conflict with each other.
Comment 5 Aragon Gouveia 2009-04-13 19:15:30 UTC
Since reporting this PR I had a better idea.  Instead of creating these 
CONFLICTS directives in both ports, I figured it'd be more future proof 
to better prepare the lighttpd port for a seperate spawn-fcgi utility 
right now.

Attached is a patch which updates www/lighttpd - it creates two patch 
files which disable the building of spawn-fcgi included with the 
lighttpd distfile, and adds an OPTIONS tunable that makes the new 
www/spawn-fcgi port a run dependency.

I thought this would be a better solution than having the two ports 
conflict with each other.
Comment 6 Wesley Shields freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2009-04-13 19:28:59 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: wxs->mnag

This PR is actually about www/lighttpd.  Over to mnag@ (maintainer of lighttpd).
Comment 7 dfilter service freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2009-04-25 05:17:20 UTC
mnag        2009-04-25 04:17:04 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    www/lighttpd         Makefile pkg-plist 
  Added files:
    www/lighttpd/files   patch-doc_Makefile.in 
  - Modify lighttpd to use www/spawn-fcgi port.
  PR:             133707
  Submitted by:   Aragon Gouveia <aragon___phat.za.net>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.70      +7 -1      ports/www/lighttpd/Makefile
  1.1       +11 -0     ports/www/lighttpd/files/patch-doc_Makefile.in (new)
  1.1       +66 -0     ports/www/lighttpd/files/patch-src_Makefile.in (new)
  1.17      +1 -2      ports/www/lighttpd/pkg-plist
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Comment 8 Marcus Alves Grando freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2009-04-25 05:17:44 UTC
State Changed
From-To: feedback->closed

Committed. Thanks!