This patch add a WITH_XTERM_COLOR knob to x11/rxvt-unicode port, which enable xterm colors (256 colors) instead of rxvt's 88 colors. This can be useful for some vim colorschemes, elinks, or any apps able to use 256 colors. :) It's disabled by default, so it doesn't affect already installed rxvt-unicode packages, so I think it doesn't need a version bump. Thanks!
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->thierry Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
thierry 2009-05-30 21:37:01 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: x11/rxvt-unicode Makefile Log: Add a WITH_XTERM_COLOR knob to x11/rxvt-unicode port, which enable xterm colors (256 colors) instead of rxvt's 88 colors. This can be useful for some vim colorschemes, elinks, or any apps able to use 256 colors. :) It's disabled by default, so it doesn't affect already installed rxvt-unicode packages, so I think it doesn't need a version bump. PR: ports/134910 Submitted by: Pierre Guinoiseau <geekounet (at)> Revision Changes Path 1.124 +12 -1 ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/Makefile _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!