I found the head files in /usr/local/include/mac is not complete. The APEDecompress.h in that directory need "Prepare.h" and "UnBitArrayBase.h", but they're not present. Finally, I "make extract" in /usr/ports/audio/mac, and cp those files(and all they depends) to the include directory, then the my program compiles fine(also plays fine). So, I think the head files listed in pkg-plist which shall be installed into system is not complete, cound you check the problem again and update the ports (maybe). Thank you so much~ Fix: 1.cd /usr/ports/audio/mac && make extract 2.cp work/mac-3.99-u4-b5/src/MACLib/Prepare.* /usr/local/include/mac/ 3.cp work/mac-3.99-u4-b5/src/MACLib/UnBitArray* /usr/local/include/mac/ 4.your program will compiles file. My suggestion, those files should present in pkg-plist and the install script. How-To-Repeat: 1.vim /usr/ports/audio/mac/pkg-plist or ls /usr/local/include/mac to see the head files. 2.use the head file "APEDecompress.h" in your program. 3.use gcc to compile your program. 4.you will see the compile error:missing head files.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->danfe Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
State Changed From-To: open->closed Port is fixed, thanks for your submission!