- Update devel/gwenhywfar to 4.0.7 - Update finance/aqbanking to 5.0.4 - Update finance/kmymoney-kde4 to 4.5.3 This is all in one PR because these ports need updated together. *** finance/gnucash needs updated to 2.4.2 as well. Version 2.2.9 currently in the ports tree does not support aqbanking 5.x. I have prepared a separate PR with an update for GnuCash since I am not the maintainer. (It should be the very next PR after this.) --------------------------------------------- devel/gwenhywfar: - Update to 4.0.7 - Gwenhywfar now contains GUI support instead of AqBanking (GTK and QT4 enabled by default) - Add LICENSE (LGPL21) Removed files: files/patch-Makefile.in (use gnomehack instead) ---------------------------------------------- finance/aqbanking: - Update to 5.0.4 - Remove all GUI stuff, it is in Gwenhywfar now - Add LICENSE (GPLv2) (The PayPal backend is also GPLv2, but can only be used with certain programs. GnuCash and KMyMoney are allowed to use it.) Removed files: files/patch-Makefile.in (use gnomehack instead) files/patch-configure (not needed) files/patch-mksymlinks.in.sh (not needed) files/patch-src__plugins__backends__aqofxconnect__ui__qt4__libs__Makefile.in (irrelavent) pkg-message (contains really old info, not needed anymore) ---------------------------------------------- finance/kmymoney-kde4: - Update to 4.5.3 - Add kde to CATEGORIES - Requires aqbanking 5.x, no longer supports aqbanking 4.x Removed files: files/patch-cmake__modules__FindAqBanking.cmake (for older aqbanking, new version gets detected properly) files/patch-cmake__modules__FindGwenhywfar.cmake (for older gwenhywfar, new version get detected properly) ---------------------------------------------- How-To-Repeat: Extract the attached tar.gz archive and apply the appropriate diffs.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->miwi I'll take it.
Responsible Changed From-To: miwi->kwm over to deal with that together with gnucash
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed thanks! I added a little test in kmymoney-kde4 to check if the qt4 library from gwenhywfar is there. Let me know if this isn't done right.