Add OPTIONS for STATICLIB and OPTIMIZED_FLAGS Port maintainer ( is cc'd. Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.99
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->maho Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Responsible Changed From-To: maho->bf I'll take it.
bf 2011-09-24 18:36:59 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: math/atlas Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist math/atlas/files patch-CONFIG+src+SpewMakeInc.c patch-CONFIG+src+backend+archinfo_freebsd.c Added files: math/atlas/files patch-CONFIG+src+backend+archinfo_x86.c patch-makes+Make.sysinfo tuning-message Removed files: math/atlas/files Makefile.test alpha-patch patch-CONFIG+src+atlcomp.txt thread-patch Log: Update to 3.8.4 before the 3.10 release; clean up (substantially reduce build times, introduce options, drop unneeded dependencies, and make linking with ATLAS shared libraries easier) Thanks to maho and A. Shterenlikht for review and testing, and to mm, T. Ludwig, skreuzer, and E. Lemos de Sa for reminders or related submissions PR: 117923, 139169, 155650, 159876 Revision Changes Path 1.64 +198 -210 ports/math/atlas/Makefile 1.15 +2 -2 ports/math/atlas/distinfo 1.4 +0 -35 ports/math/atlas/files/Makefile.test (dead) 1.2 +0 -9 ports/math/atlas/files/alpha-patch (dead) 1.2 +52 -7 ports/math/atlas/files/patch-CONFIG+src+SpewMakeInc.c 1.4 +0 -124 ports/math/atlas/files/patch-CONFIG+src+atlcomp.txt (dead) 1.2 +88 -26 ports/math/atlas/files/patch-CONFIG+src+backend+archinfo_freebsd.c 1.3 +14 -0 ports/math/atlas/files/patch-CONFIG+src+backend+archinfo_x86.c (new) 1.1 +11 -0 ports/math/atlas/files/patch-makes+Make.sysinfo (new) 1.5 +0 -12 ports/math/atlas/files/thread-patch (dead) 1.1 +35 -0 ports/math/atlas/files/tuning-message (new) 1.7 +17 -21 ports/math/atlas/pkg-descr 1.11 +24 -48 ports/math/atlas/pkg-plist _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, with minor changes. Thanks!