The current devel/gobject-introspection Makefile requires cairo support for whatever reason because the Makefile claims that it's a library. In reality though, it's not really honestly required because we explicitly disable the tests. That and the Debian repo and NetBSD's pkgsrc blatantly ignore the dependency, gentoo portage ignores if USE=-test, etc; so I bet it's a completely unnecessary dependency given how we use the port today. I've built several packages that require gir, like avahi, dbus, etc, and they look safe and sane installed. This helps trim down appliance or server builds so that one doesn't need to pull in a bunch of junk X11 libraries in order to compile basic services like avahi and dbus. Fix: Patch attached with submission follows:
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->gnome Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Ping? This enhancement really makes life a lot easier for appliance developers and minimalists to use applications like dbus, avahi, netatalk, etc without having to pull in all of X11 [for these apps]. Thanks! -Garrett
Responsible Changed From-To: gnome->kwm kwm agreed to take it
Responsible Changed From-To: kwm->pgollucci maintainer timeout (kwm ; 41 days) / last commit 10 days ago
Responsible Changed From-To: pgollucci->gnome Over to maintainer
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!