Main zathura port has no dependency on poppler. How-To-Repeat: $ cd graphics/zathura; make patch $ fgrep -ir poppler $(make -V WRKSRC)/ Exit 1 $ cd graphics/zathura-pdf-poppler; make patch $ fgrep -irh --exclude \*.orig pkg-config.\*poppler $(make -V WRKSRC)/ PDF_INC ?= $(shell pkg-config --cflags poppler-glib) PDF_LIB ?= $(shell pkg-config --libs poppler-glib)
Maintainer of graphics/zathura, Please note that PR ports/168240 has just been submitted. If it contains a patch for an upgrade, an enhancement or a bug fix you agree on, reply to this email stating that you approve the patch and a committer will take care of it. The full text of the PR can be found at: -- Edwin Groothuis via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Awaiting maintainers feedback (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Jan Beich <> writes: > -LIB_DEPENDS= poppler.18:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/poppler > +LIB_DEPENDS= poppler-glib.8:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/poppler ^^^^^^^^^^ Oops, it should be graphics/poppler-glib of course.
Patch approved.
State Changed From-To: feedback->open Maintainer approved.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->pawel I'll take it.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!