New port for PAM module pam_search_list. This PAM service module allows PAM-enabled applications to check if the target user is in some arbitrary plaintext list. Similar to module pam_ftpusers from the FreeBSD Project, and is based on its code. I am also asking the FreeBSD Project to consider including this module into base system, as it is not much different from pam_ftpusers, and might be able to replace it with configuration option path=/etc/ftpusers. Also I am not very sure about the name of module, any suggestions would be appreciated. Fix: Patch attached with submission follows:
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->pgollucci pgollucci@ wants this port PRs (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Responsible Changed From-To: pgollucci->freebsd-ports-bugs With bugmeister hat, return this to the pool due to inactivity.
State Changed From-To: open->closed New port added, with minor changes. Thanks!