The Mediawiki ports have an option that enables a user to use MySQL as backend for the Mediawiki application. The dependency however is on a MySQL-server instead of MySQL-client. Installing the port with MySQL support thus gives you the MySQL-server installation, where that is not needed. One should have the client package for MySQL so that 'a' MySQL server can be used but not being forced to have the server installed itself. This is especially "interesting" when you have a jail with a WWW service installed, and only -client packages and no -server packages (well at least for MySQL with this port :-)). # pkg_info -rR "mysql-*" Information for mysql-client-5.5.28: Depends on: Required by: p5-DBD-mysql-4.021 mysql-server-5.5.28 mediawiki-1.20.2 Information for mysql-server-5.5.28: Depends on: Dependency: mysql-client-5.5.28 Required by: mediawiki-1.20.2 How-To-Repeat: see above.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->wen Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!