Bug 175896 - update databases/ldb to 1.1.15 version
Summary: update databases/ldb to 1.1.15 version
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Timur I. Bakeyev
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-02-06 19:50 UTC by Timur I. Bakeyev
Modified: 2013-02-06 22:30 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

file.shar (4.92 KB, text/plain)
2013-02-06 19:50 UTC, Timur I. Bakeyev
no flags Details

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Timur I. Bakeyev freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-02-06 19:50:00 UTC
Please, update databases/ldb port to the most recent version 1.1.15.

Also, I'd appreciate if the maintainership of this port has been passed
to me, as it's an essential part of the Samba4 build and belongs to the
rest of Samba sub-ports, like tdb, talloc and tevent.
Comment 1 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-02-06 19:50:07 UTC
Maintainer of databases/ldb,

Please note that PR ports/175896 has just been submitted.

If it contains a patch for an upgrade, an enhancement or a bug fix
you agree on, reply to this email stating that you approve the patch
and a committer will take care of it.

The full text of the PR can be found at:

Edwin Groothuis via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool
Comment 2 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-02-06 19:50:08 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->feedback

Awaiting maintainers feedback (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Comment 3 Timur I. Bakeyev freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-02-06 20:06:39 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->timur

I'll take it.
Comment 4 dfilter service freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-02-06 21:06:13 UTC
Author: timur
Date: Wed Feb  6 21:06:01 2013
New Revision: 311796
URL: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/311796

  Update of the port to 1.1.15 release.
  Change maintaner to myself according to IRC conversation and following e-mail.
  [21:50] [aweits(~aweits@discipline.rit.edu )] yea, please take ownership
  PR:		175896
  Approved by:	maintainer

  head/databases/ldb/files/ldb.3   (contents, props changed)
  head/databases/ldb/files/ldbadd.1   (contents, props changed)
  head/databases/ldb/files/ldbdel.1   (contents, props changed)
  head/databases/ldb/files/ldbedit.1   (contents, props changed)
  head/databases/ldb/files/ldbmodify.1   (contents, props changed)
  head/databases/ldb/files/ldbrename.1   (contents, props changed)
  head/databases/ldb/files/ldbsearch.1   (contents, props changed)
  head/databases/ldb/files/patch-buildtools__wafsamba__samba_install.py   (contents, props changed)
  head/databases/ldb/files/patch-wscript   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/databases/ldb/Makefile
--- head/databases/ldb/Makefile	Wed Feb  6 20:44:25 2013	(r311795)
+++ head/databases/ldb/Makefile	Wed Feb  6 21:06:01 2013	(r311796)
@@ -1,39 +1,143 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for:    ldb
-# Date created:         Sep 6 2011
-# Whom:                 Ryan Steinmetz <zi@FreeBSD.org>
 # $FreeBSD$
-CATEGORIES=	databases
-MAINTAINER=	aweits@rit.edu
-COMMENT=	An LDAP-like embedded database
-LIB_DEPENDS=	talloc.2:${PORTSDIR}/devel/talloc \
-		tevent.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/tevent \
-		tdb.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/tdb \
-		popt.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/popt \
-		xslt.2:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libxslt
-CONFLICTS=	samba4-devel-4*
-CONFIGURE_ARGS=	--with-modulesdir=${PREFIX}/lib \
-		--builtin-libraries="tdb replace" \
-		--bundled-libraries=NONE
+CATEGORIES=		databases
+MAINTAINER=		timur@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT=		LDAP-like embedded database
+CONFLICTS=		*samba3[0-4]-3.*
+WAF_TOOL=		buildtools/bin/waf
+PKGCONFIGDIR?=		${PREFIX}/libdata/pkgconfig
+.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=		talloc>=2.0.8:${PORTSDIR}/devel/talloc \
+			tevent>=0.9.17:${PORTSDIR}/devel/tevent \
+			tdb>=1.2.11:${PORTSDIR}/databases/tdb \
+			popt>=0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/popt
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--bundled-libraries=!talloc,!tevent,!tdb,!popt \
+			--with-modulesdir=${PREFIX}/lib/shared-modules \
+			--with-privatelibdir=${PREFIX}/lib/ldb
+MAN1=			ldbadd.1 \
+			ldbdel.1 \
+			ldbedit.1 \
+			ldbmodify.1 \
+			ldbrename.1 \
+			ldbsearch.1
+MAN3=			ldb.3
+PLIST_DIRSTRY=		lib/ldb \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb \
+			lib/shared-modules
+PLIST_FILES=		bin/ldbedit \
+			bin/ldbmodify \
+			bin/ldbadd \
+			bin/ldbdel \
+			bin/ldbsearch \
+			bin/ldbrename \
+			include/ldb_version.h \
+			include/ldb_handlers.h \
+			include/ldb_errors.h \
+			include/ldb.h \
+			include/ldb_module.h \
+			lib/libldb.so \
+			lib/libldb.so.1 \
+			lib/ldb/libldb-cmdline.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/asq.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/ldap.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/paged_results.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/paged_searches.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/rdn_name.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/sample.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/server_sort.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/skel.so \
+			lib/shared-modules/ldb/tdb.so \
+			%%PKGCONFIGDIR%%/ldb.pc
+CONFIGURE_ENV+=		XSLTPROC="/usr/bin/true"
+.if !defined(DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS) && !defined(MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE)
+.if defined(MAKE_JOBS_SAFE) || defined(FORCE_MAKE_JOBS)
+PLIST_FILES+=		include/pyldb.h \
+			lib/libpyldb-util.so \
+			lib/libpyldb-util.so.1 \
+			%%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/ldb.so \
+			%%PKGCONFIGDIR%%/pyldb-util.pc
+ALL_TARGET=		build
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+IGNORE_NONTHREAD_PYTHON=needs port lang/python${PYTHON_SUFFIX} to be build with THREADS support
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|..LIBDIR}/pkgconfig|${PREFIX}/libdata/pkgconfig|g' ${WRKSRC}/wscript
+				${BUILD_WRKSRC}/wscript
+# Use threading (or multiprocessing) but not thread (renamed in python 3+).
+			@if ! ${PYTHON_CMD} -c "import multiprocessing;" 2>/dev/null; then \
+				${ECHO_CMD}; \
+				${ECHO_CMD}; \
+				${FALSE}; \
+			fi
+			-${MKDIR} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/bin/default/man
+.for man in ${MAN1} ${MAN3}
+			${INSTALL_MAN} ${FILESDIR}/${man} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/bin/default/man
+			@(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
+				if [ x != x${BUILD_FAIL_MESSAGE} ] ; then \
+					${ECHO_MSG} "===> Compilation failed unexpectedly."; \
+					(${ECHO_CMD} ${BUILD_FAIL_MESSAGE}) | ${FMT} 75 79 ; \
+				fi; \
+			${FALSE}; \
+			fi)
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>

Modified: head/databases/ldb/distinfo
--- head/databases/ldb/distinfo	Wed Feb  6 20:44:25 2013	(r311795)
+++ head/databases/ldb/distinfo	Wed Feb  6 21:06:01 2013	(r311796)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (ldb-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 84f3841a69f8b3bba30b70f6d548b145a0b87cfef13c21f8c776f4aec490347e
-SIZE (ldb-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 839912
+SHA256 (ldb-1.1.15.tar.gz) = 6bd8317e82747461394ab8ad1ee5873589d9a46d12f021571aca9fac45de8997
+SIZE (ldb-1.1.15.tar.gz) = 1121684

Added: head/databases/ldb/files/ldb.3
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/databases/ldb/files/ldb.3	Wed Feb  6 21:06:01 2013	(r311796)
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+'\" t
+.\"     Title: ldb
+.\"    Author: [see the "Author" section]
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
+.\"      Date: 01/29/2013
+.\"    Manual: System Administration tools
+.\"    Source: LDB 1.1
+.\"  Language: English
+.TH "LDB" "3" "01/29/2013" "LDB 1\&.1" "System Administration tools"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * Define some portability stuff
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
+.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el       .ds Aq '
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ldb \- A light\-weight database library
+#include <ldb\&.h>
+ldb is a light weight embedded database library and API\&. With a programming interface that is very similar to LDAP, ldb can store its data either in a tdb(3) database or in a real LDAP database\&.
+When used with the tdb backend ldb does not require any database daemon\&. Instead, ldb function calls are processed immediately by the ldb library, which does IO directly on the database, while allowing multiple readers/writers using operating system byte range locks\&. This leads to an API with very low overheads, often resulting in speeds of more than 10x what can be achieved with a more traditional LDAP architecture\&.
+In a taxonomy of databases ldb would sit half way between key/value pair databases (such as berkley db or tdb) and a full LDAP database\&. With a structured attribute oriented API like LDAP and good indexing capabilities, ldb can be used for quite sophisticated applications that need a light weight database, without the administrative overhead of a full LDAP installation\&.
+Included with ldb are a number of useful command line tools for manipulating a ldb database\&. These tools are similar in style to the equivalent ldap command line tools\&.
+In its default mode of operation with a tdb backend, ldb can also be seen as a "schema\-less LDAP"\&. By default ldb does not require a schema, which greatly reduces the complexity of getting started with ldb databases\&. As the complexity of you application grows you can take advantage of some of the optional schema\-like attributes that ldb offers, or you can migrate to using the full LDAP api while keeping your exiting ldb code\&.
+If you are new to ldb, then I suggest starting with the manual pages for ldbsearch(1) and ldbedit(1), and experimenting with a local database\&. Then I suggest you look at the ldb_connect(3) and ldb_search(3) manual pages\&.
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- command line ldb search utility
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- edit all or part of a ldb database using your favourite editor
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- add records to a ldb database using LDIF formatted input
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- delete records from a ldb database
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- modify records in a ldb database using LDIF formatted input
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- connect to a ldb backend
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- perform a database search
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- add a record to the database
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- delete a record from the database
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- modify a record in the database
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- retrieve extended error information from the last operation
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- write a LDIF formatted message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- write a LDIF formatted message to a file
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- read a LDIF formatted message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- free the result of a ldb_ldif_read()
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- read a LDIF message from a file
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- read a LDIF message from a string
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- find an element in a ldb_message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- compare two ldb_val structures
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- find an element by value
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- add an empty message element to a ldb_message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- add a non\-empty message element to a ldb_message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- compare two ldb_message_element structures
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- return an integer value from a ldb_message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- return an unsigned integer value from a ldb_message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- return a double value from a ldb_message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- return a string value from a ldb_message
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- set the memory allocation function to be used by ldb
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- set a debug handler to be used by ldb
+.RS 4
+.ie n \{\
+.el \{\
+.sp -1
+.IP \(bu 2.3
+\- set a debug handler for stderr output
+ldb was written by
+\m[blue]\fBAndrew Tridgell\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.
+If you wish to report a problem or make a suggestion then please see the
+web site for current contact and maintainer information\&.
+ldb is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2 or later\&. Please see the file COPYING for license details\&.
+.IP " 1." 4
+Andrew Tridgell
+.RS 4

Added: head/databases/ldb/files/ldbadd.1
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/databases/ldb/files/ldbadd.1	Wed Feb  6 21:06:01 2013	(r311796)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+'\" t
+.\"     Title: ldbadd
+.\"    Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
+.\"      Date: 01/29/2013
+.\"    Manual: System Administration tools
+.\"    Source: LDB 1.1
+.\"  Language: English
+.TH "LDBADD" "1" "01/29/2013" "LDB 1\&.1" "System Administration tools"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * Define some portability stuff
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
+.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el       .ds Aq '
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ldbadd \- Command\-line utility for adding records to an LDB
+.HP \w'\fBldbadd\fR\ 'u
+\fBldbadd\fR [\-h] [\-H\ LDB\-URL] [ldif\-file1] [ldif\-file2] [\&.\&.\&.]
+ldbadd adds records to an ldb(3) database\&. It reads the ldif(5) files specified on the command line and adds the records from these files to the LDB database, which is specified by the \-H option or the LDB_URL environment variable\&.
+If \- is specified as a ldb file, the ldif input is read from standard input\&.
+.RS 4
+Show list of available options\&.
+\-H <ldb\-url>
+.RS 4
+LDB URL to connect to\&. See ldb(3) for details\&.
+.RS 4
+LDB URL to connect to (can be overrided by using the \-H command\-line option\&.)
+This man page is correct for version 1\&.1 of LDB\&.
+ldb(3), ldbmodify, ldbdel, ldif(5)
+ldb was written by
+\m[blue]\fBAndrew Tridgell\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.
+If you wish to report a problem or make a suggestion then please see the
+web site for current contact and maintainer information\&.
+This manpage was written by Jelmer Vernooij\&.
+.IP " 1." 4
+Andrew Tridgell
+.RS 4

Added: head/databases/ldb/files/ldbdel.1
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/databases/ldb/files/ldbdel.1	Wed Feb  6 21:06:01 2013	(r311796)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+'\" t
+.\"     Title: ldbdel
+.\"    Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
+.\"      Date: 01/29/2013
+.\"    Manual: System Administration tools
+.\"    Source: LDB 1.1
+.\"  Language: English
+.TH "LDBDEL" "1" "01/29/2013" "LDB 1\&.1" "System Administration tools"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * Define some portability stuff
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
+.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el       .ds Aq '
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ldbdel \- Command\-line program for deleting LDB records
+.HP \w'\fBldbdel\fR\ 'u
+\fBldbdel\fR [\-h] [\-H\ LDB\-URL] [dn] [\&.\&.\&.]
+ldbdel deletes records from an ldb(3) database\&. It deletes the records identified by the dn\*(Aqs specified on the command\-line\&.
+ldbdel uses either the database that is specified with the \-H option or the database specified by the LDB_URL environment variable\&.
+.RS 4
+Show list of available options\&.
+\-H <ldb\-url>
+.RS 4
+LDB URL to connect to\&. See ldb(3) for details\&.
+.RS 4
+LDB URL to connect to (can be overrided by using the \-H command\-line option\&.)
+This man page is correct for version 1\&.1 of LDB\&.
+ldb(3), ldbmodify, ldbadd, ldif(5)
+ldb was written by
+\m[blue]\fBAndrew Tridgell\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.
+If you wish to report a problem or make a suggestion then please see the
+web site for current contact and maintainer information\&.
+ldbdel was written by Andrew Tridgell\&.
+This manpage was written by Jelmer Vernooij\&.
+.IP " 1." 4
+Andrew Tridgell
+.RS 4

Added: head/databases/ldb/files/ldbedit.1
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/databases/ldb/files/ldbedit.1	Wed Feb  6 21:06:01 2013	(r311796)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+'\" t
+.\"     Title: ldbedit
+.\"    Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
+.\"      Date: 01/29/2013
+.\"    Manual: System Administration tools
+.\"    Source: LDB 1.1
+.\"  Language: English
+.TH "LDBEDIT" "1" "01/29/2013" "LDB 1\&.1" "System Administration tools"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * Define some portability stuff
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
+.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el       .ds Aq '
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ldbedit \- Edit LDB databases using your preferred editor
+.HP \w'\fBldbedit\fR\ 'u
+\fBldbedit\fR [\-?] [\-\-usage] [\-s\ base|one|sub] [\-b\ basedn] [\-a] [\-e\ editor] [\-H\ LDB\-URL] [expression] [attributes...]
+ldbedit is a utility that allows you to edit LDB entries (in tdb files, sqlite files or LDAP servers) using your preferred editor\&. ldbedit generates an LDIF file based on your query, allows you to edit the LDIF, and then merges that LDIF back into the LDB backend\&.
+\-?, \-\-help
+.RS 4
+Show list of available options, and a phrase describing what that option does\&.
+.RS 4
+Show list of available options\&. This is similar to the help option, however it does not provide any description, and is hence shorter\&.
+\-H <ldb\-url>
+.RS 4
+LDB URL to connect to\&. For a tdb database, this will be of the form tdb://\fIfilename\fR\&. For a LDAP connection over unix domain sockets, this will be of the form ldapi://\fIsocket\fR\&. For a (potentially remote) LDAP connection over TCP, this will be of the form ldap://\fIhostname\fR\&. For an SQLite database, this will be of the form sqlite://\fIfilename\fR\&.
+\-s one|sub|base
+.RS 4
+Search scope to use\&. One\-level, subtree or base\&.
+\-a, \-all
+.RS 4
+Edit all records\&. This allows you to apply the same change to a number of records at once\&. You probably want to combine this with an expression of the form "objectclass=*"\&.
+\-e editor, \-\-editor editor
+.RS 4
+Specify the editor that should be used (overrides the VISUAL and EDITOR environment variables)\&. If this option is not used, and neither VISUAL nor EDITOR environment variables are set, then the vi editor will be used\&.
+\-b basedn
+.RS 4
+Specify Base Distinguished Name to use\&.
+\-v, \-\-verbose
+.RS 4
+Make ldbedit more verbose about the operations that are being performed\&. Without this option, ldbedit will only provide a summary change line\&.
+.RS 4
+LDB URL to connect to\&. This can be overridden by using the \-H command\-line option\&.)
+.RS 4
+Environment variables used to determine what editor to use\&. VISUAL takes precedence over EDITOR, and both are overridden by the \-e command\-line option\&.
+This man page is correct for version 1\&.1 of LDB\&.
+ldb(3), ldbmodify(1), ldbdel(1), ldif(5), vi(1)
+ldb was written by
+\m[blue]\fBAndrew Tridgell\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.
+If you wish to report a problem or make a suggestion then please see the
+web site for current contact and maintainer information\&.
+This manpage was written by Jelmer Vernooij and updated by Brad Hards\&.
+.IP " 1." 4
+Andrew Tridgell
+.RS 4

Added: head/databases/ldb/files/ldbmodify.1
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/databases/ldb/files/ldbmodify.1	Wed Feb  6 21:06:01 2013	(r311796)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+'\" t
+.\"     Title: ldbmodify
+.\"    Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
+.\"      Date: 01/29/2013
+.\"    Manual: System Administration tools
+.\"    Source: LDB 1.1
+.\"  Language: English
+.TH "LDBMODIFY" "1" "01/29/2013" "LDB 1\&.1" "System Administration tools"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * Define some portability stuff
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
+.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el       .ds Aq '
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ldbmodify \- Modify records in a LDB database
+.HP \w'\fBldbmodify\fR\ 'u
+\fBldbmodify\fR [\-H\ LDB\-URL] [ldif\-file]
+ldbmodify changes, adds and deletes records in a LDB database\&. The changes that should be made to the LDB database are read from the specified LDIF\-file\&. If \- is specified as the filename, input is read from stdin\&.
+For now, see ldapmodify(1) for details on the LDIF file format\&.
+\-H <ldb\-url>
+.RS 4
+LDB URL to connect to\&. See ldb(3) for details\&.
+.RS 4
+LDB URL to connect to (can be overrided by using the \-H command\-line option\&.)
+This man page is correct for version 1\&.1 of LDB\&.
+ldb(3), ldbedit
+ldb was written by
+\m[blue]\fBAndrew Tridgell\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.
+If you wish to report a problem or make a suggestion then please see the
+web site for current contact and maintainer information\&.
+This manpage was written by Jelmer Vernooij\&.
+.IP " 1." 4
+Andrew Tridgell
+.RS 4

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Comment 5 Timur I. Bakeyev freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-02-06 22:30:15 UTC
State Changed
From-To: feedback->closed

Committed. Thanks!