Modified version of dcraw. Add environment variable for camera TZ adjustment Also use ImageMagick / MagickWand library to auto-rotate extracted thumbnails. If your camera is set to automatically rotate thumbnails this is not necessary however many professional photographers disable this feature in their cameras because the auto rotate feature reduces the viewing area of image preview on the LCD screen. With the feature disabled on the camera, the images come out sideways on the card. This modificiation automatically rotates the image when using the -e extract thumbnail option in dcraw.c Also added some brackets to an if/then/else block to remove one warning in clang. This compiles with three warnings with clang, one warning with gcc. (the original dcraw is 4 warnings/clang 1/gcc) The make options allow the user to specify -O3 or -O4 optimization if desired. -O4 does not appear to compile with clang, only gcc, at this time. Thank you
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->jgh I'll take it.
Responsible Changed From-To: jgh->freebsd-ports-bugs back to the heap
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->mandree I'll take it.
Author: mandree Date: Tue Jan 14 03:25:59 2014 New Revision: 339660 URL: Log: Add new dcraw-m port, a variant of dcraw that adds auto-rotate to exported thumbnails, and also add adjustment for camera timezone offset. PR: ports/177490 Submitted by: Waitman Gobble Added: head/graphics/dcraw-m/ head/graphics/dcraw-m/Makefile (contents, props changed) head/graphics/dcraw-m/distinfo (contents, props changed) head/graphics/dcraw-m/pkg-descr (contents, props changed) Modified: head/graphics/Makefile Modified: head/graphics/Makefile ============================================================================== --- head/graphics/Makefile Tue Jan 14 03:23:01 2014 (r339659) +++ head/graphics/Makefile Tue Jan 14 03:25:59 2014 (r339660) @@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ SUBDIR += dc20ctrl SUBDIR += dc20pack SUBDIR += dcraw + SUBDIR += dcraw-m SUBDIR += deegree-csw SUBDIR += deegree-igeoportal SUBDIR += deegree-wcs Added: head/graphics/dcraw-m/Makefile ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ head/graphics/dcraw-m/Makefile Tue Jan 14 03:25:59 2014 (r339660) @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# Created by: "Waitman Gobble" <> +# $FreeBSD$ + +PORTNAME= dcraw-m +PORTVERSION= 9.17 +CATEGORIES= graphics +MASTER_SITES= \ + + +MAINTAINER= +COMMENT= Modified Decoder for RAW files from digital cameras + +LIB_DEPENDS=${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jasper \ +${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jpeg \ +${PORTSDIR}/graphics/lcms \ +${PORTSDIR}/graphics/ImageMagick + +PLIST_FILES= bin/dcraw-m + +OPTIONS_DEFINE= OPTIMIZE_O3 OPTIMIZE_O4 +OPTIMIZE_O3_DESC= Use O3 with clang (O4 not working) +OPTIMIZE_O4_DESC= Use O4 with gcc + +.include <> + +.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MOPTIMIZE_O3} +CFLAGS+= -O3 +.else +.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MOPTIMIZE_O4} +CFLAGS+= -O4 +.endif +.endif + +CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${LOCALBASE}/include/ImageMagick +LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lm -ljasper -ljpeg -llcms -lMagickWand + +do-build: + cd ${WRKSRC}/ && ${CC} -o ${PORTNAME} ${CFLAGS} ${PORTNAME}.c ${LDFLAGS} + +do-install: + ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/${PORTNAME} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/ + +.include <> Added: head/graphics/dcraw-m/distinfo ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ head/graphics/dcraw-m/distinfo Tue Jan 14 03:25:59 2014 (r339660) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +SHA256 (dcraw-m-9.17.tar.gz) = 1b727e9b51e9aacae3d0ce3bf7d805f014b43baf371715351ae46c46c2e90269 +SIZE (dcraw-m-9.17.tar.gz) = 88589 Added: head/graphics/dcraw-m/pkg-descr ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ head/graphics/dcraw-m/pkg-descr Tue Jan 14 03:25:59 2014 (r339660) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +dcraw is an ANSI C program that decodes any raw image from any digital camera +on any computer running any operating system. It's become a standard tool +within and without the Open Source world. It's small (about 3000 lines), +portable (standard C libraries only), free (both "gratis" and "libre"), and +when used skillfully, produces better-quality output than the tools provided by +the camera vendor. + +This version is modified to add auto-rotate to exported thumbnails, and also +add adjustment for camera timezone offset. + +WWW: +WWW: +WWW: _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!