I modified the rc.d/ipv6mon script to be able to start multiple instances of ipv6mon when multiple interfaces are present on the system. Explanation on how to use it is as comment in the script itself. Patch is attached. Fix: Apply the attached patch. Patch attached with submission follows: How-To-Repeat: n/a
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->hrs Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Is this PR still relevant?
Hello Carlo Yes, of course. Could you please apply this patch, it provides the possibility to use the rc.d script with multiple network interfaces. Thank you! bye Fabian
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A commit references this bug: Author: hrs Date: Mon Sep 15 16:11:41 UTC 2014 New revision: 368273 URL: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/368273 Log: - Add $ipv6mon_interfaces support to rc.d/ipv6mon. - Style fix. PR: 180324 Changes: head/net-mgmt/ipv6mon/Makefile head/net-mgmt/ipv6mon/files/Makefile head/net-mgmt/ipv6mon/files/ipv6mon.in head/net-mgmt/ipv6mon/files/patch-Makefile head/net-mgmt/ipv6mon/pkg-descr
Committed a patch to support multiple interfaces. The behavior is a bit different, but I think it realizes the functionality in the submitted patch.