Support staging. Use the new PYDISTUTILS_AUTOPLIST knob and remove pkg-plist. Strip and reword pkg-message. Add patch to fix incompatible dulwich API changes. Do not depend on specific versions for devel/dulwich and devel/mercurial. It is neither necessary nor useful, because the latest versions of these ports always pass, most of the time surpass, the minimum requirements. This avoids all the version bumps with every update. Since it is now possible to use the python meta-ports as direct dependencies, just depend on the python 2 meta-port, because a specific minor version is not relevant. Tested (amd64) on head, stable/9, releng/9.2, releng/8.4. Thanks! Fix: Patch attached with submission follows:
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->wg I'll take it.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!