Any operation involving this port on 10+ gives the following message: make: "/usr/ports/mail/postfix/Makefile" line 93: warning: Couldn't read shell's output for "/usr/bin/grep -m 1 '^purgestat' /etc/mail/mailer.conf || true" This message also appears for all the other postfix ports. It's due to the way bmake treats empty shell command results. It's pretty easy to fix though: change "true" at the end to "${ECHO_CMD}". Fix: The attached patch fixes it for mail/postfix, but it'll also apply for all the other postfix ports.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->sahil Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
State Changed From-To: open->analyzed Thanks I will incorporate this in next update.
State Changed From-To: analyzed->closed Committed. Thanks!