FreeBSD has recently added the WITH_SSP_PORTS makefile option [1] which adds "-fstack-protector" and "-fstack-protector-all" compilation directives which adds extra code to check for buffer overflows to compiled ports [2]. While this is a good first step, those switches offer too little or too much protection and over 2 years ago, Google delivered "-fstack-protector-strong" [3] to try and solve the problem: "The stack-protector option is over-simplified, which ignores pointer cast, address computation, while the stack-protector-all is over-killing, using this option brings too much performance overhead..." [4] The new directive has been added to the 4.9 branch of gcc and several Linux distros have backported the patch, but so far, FreeBSD maintainer has decided not to do it, so here are patches which work against lang/gcc48. There are based on the gcc 4.9 commits [5] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Fix: Patch lang/gcc48 Patch attached with submission follows:
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->gerald Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
State Changed From-To: open->feedback This is (a bit beyond) borderline what I'd usually consider in terms of backporting, but I tend to go for it. Can you please advise how you tested this?
Thank you for your submission and apologies for the delay in getting this committed. I wanted to ensure proper testing (original, vanilla code with new tests, patched code with new tests) and didn't have the time in one stretch and infrastructure to do so as I wanted to. Note that I renamed and combined the patch files, one per directory.
...and changed their naming structure a bit.
A commit references this bug: Author: gerald Date: Mon Nov 9 08:27:42 UTC 2015 New revision: 401086 URL: Log: "Backport" the -fstack-protector-strong patchset from lang/gcc48 to lang/gcc. PR: 203751, 186852 [1] Submitted by: [1] Changes: head/lang/gcc/files/patch-stackprotector-gcc head/lang/gcc/files/patch-stackprotector-gcc_c-family head/lang/gcc/files/patch-stackprotector-gcc_doc head/lang/gcc/files/patch-stackprotector-gcc_testsuite