Bug 188211 - [PATCH] www/tomcat7
Summary: [PATCH] www/tomcat7
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Alex Dupre
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-04-03 02:30 UTC by wombat
Modified: 2014-04-03 11:10 UTC (History)
0 users

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file.diff (1.14 KB, patch)
2014-04-03 02:30 UTC, wombat
no flags Details | Diff

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Description wombat 2014-04-03 02:30:00 UTC
Changes since 7.0.50

Tomcat 7.0.53 (violetagg)
add	 Make it easier for applications embedding and/or extending Tomcat to modify the javaseClassLoader attribute of the WebappClassLoader. (markt)
fix	 Improve the robustness of web application undeployment based on some code analysis triggered by the report for 54315. (markt)
fix	56219: Improve merging process for web.xml files to take account of the elements and attributes supported by the Servlet version of the merged file. (markt)
fix	56190: The response should be closed (i.e. no further output is permitted) when a call to AsyncContext.complete() takes effect. (markt)
fix	56236: Enable Tomcat to work with alternative Servlet and JSP API JARs that package the XML schemas in such as way as to require a dependency on the JSP API before enabling validation for web.xml. Tomcat has no such dependency. (markt)
fix	56246: Fix NullPointerException in MemoryRealm when authenticating an unknown user. (markt)
fix	56248: Allow the deployer to update an existing WAR file without undeploying the existing application if the update flag is set. This allows any existing custom context.xml for the application to be retained. To update an application and remove any existing context.xml simply undeploy the old version of the application before deploying the new version. (markt)
fix	 Redefine the globalXsltFile initialisation parameter of the DefaultServlet as relative to CATALINA_BASE/conf or CATALINA_HOME/conf. Prevent user supplied XSLTs used by the DefaultServlet from defining external entities. (markt)
add	 Add a work around for validating XML documents (often TLDs) that use just the file name to refer to refer to the JavaEE schema on which they are based. (markt)
fix	56293: Cache resources loaded by the class loader from /META-INF/services/ for better performance for repeated look ups. (markt)
fix	53119: Make sure the NIO AJP output buffer is cleared on any error to prevent any possible overflow if it is written to again before the connection is closed. This extends the original fix for the APR/native output buffer to the NIO connector. (kkolinko)
fix	56172: Avoid possible request corruption when using the AJP NIO connector and a request is sent using more than one AJP message. Patch provided by Amund Elstad. (markt)
fix	56213: Reduce garbage collection when the NIO connector is under heavy load. (markt)
fix	 Improve processing of chuck size from chunked headers. Avoid overflow and use a bit shift instead of a multiplication as it is marginally faster. (markt/kkolinko)
fix	 Fix possible overflow when parsing long values from a byte array. (markt)
fix	54475: Add Java 8 support to SMAP generation for JSPs. Patch by Robbie Gibson. (markt)
fix	55483: Improve handing of overloaded methods and constructors in expression language implementation. (markt)
fix	56208: Restore the validateXml option to Jasper that was previously renamed validateTld. Both options are now supported. validateXml controls the validation of web.xml files when Jasper parses them and validateTld controls the validation of *.tld files when Jasper parses them. (markt)
fix	56223: Throw an IllegalStateException if a call is made to ServletContext.setInitParameter() after the ServletContext has been initialized. (markt)
fix	56265: Do not escape values of dynamic tag attributes containing EL expressions. (kkolinko)
fix	 Make the default compiler source and target versions for JSPs Java 6 since Tomcat 7 requires Java 6 as a minimum. (markt)
update	56283: Update to the Eclipse JDT Compiler P20140317-1600 which adds support for Java 8 syntax to JSPs. Add support for value "1.8" for the compilerSourceVM and compilerTargetVM options. (markt)
fix	 Avoid a possible deadlock when one thread is shutting down a connection while another thread is trying to write to it. (markt)
fix	 Call onError if an exception is thrown calling onClose when closing a session. (remm)
Web applications
code	 In the documentation: add support for several documentation tags from Tomcat 8. Such as <version-major/>. (kkolinko)
add	56093: Add the SSL Valve to the documentation web application. (markt)
fix	56217: Improve readability by using left alignment for the table cell containing the request information on the Manager application status page. (markt)
fix	 Fixed java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException when using "Expire sessions" command in the manager web application on a context where the session timeout is disabled. (kfujino)
fix	 Add support for LAST_ACCESS_AT_START system property to Manager web application. (kfujino)
fix	 Add definition of org.apache.catalina.ant.FindLeaksTask. (kfujino)
fix	56273: If the Manager web application does not perform an operation because the web application is already being serviced, report an error rather than reporting success. (markt)
fix	56304: Add a note to the documentation about not using WebSocket with BIO HTTP in production. (markt)
fix	56143: Improve service.bat so that it can be launched from a non-UAC console. This includes using a single call to tomcat7.exe to install the Windows service rather than three calls, and using command line arguments instead of environment variables to pass the settings. (markt/kkolinko)
fix	 Fix regression in 7.0.52: when using service.bat install to install the service the values for --StdOutput, --StdError options were passed as blank instead of "auto". (kkolinko)
fix	 Align options between service.bat and exe Windows installer. For service.bat the changes are in --Classpath, --DisplayName, --StartPath, --StopPath. For exe installer the changes are in --JvmMs, --JvmMx options, which are now 128 Mb and 256 Mb respectively instead of being empty. Explicitly specify --LogPath path when uninstalling Windows service, avoiding default value for that option. (kkolinko)
code	 Simplify Windows *.bat files: remove %OS% checks, as java 6 does not run on ancient non-NT operating systems. (kkolinko)
fix	56137: Explicitly use the BIO connector in the SSL example in server.xml so it doesn't break if APR is enabled. (markt)
fix	56139: Avoid a web application class loader leak in some unit tests when running on Windows. (markt)
fix	 Correct build script to avoid building JARs with empty packages. (markt)
add	 Allow to limit JUnit test run to a number of selected test case methods. (kkolinko)
fix	56189: Remove used file cpappend.bat from the distribution. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.52 (violetagg)	released 2014-02-17
fix	 Generate a valid root element for the effective web.xml for a web application for all supported versions of web.xml. (markt)
code	 Pull up SocketWrapper to AbstractProcessor. (markt)
fix	 In some circumstances asynchronous requests could time out too soon. (markt)
Tomcat 7.0.51 (violetagg)	not released
fix	55287: ServletContainerInitializer defined in the container may not be found. (markt/jboynes)
fix	55855: Provide a per Context option (containerSciFilter) to exclude container SCIs. (markt)
fix	55937: When deploying applications, treat a context path of /ROOT as equivalent to /. (markt)
fix	55943: Improve the implementation of the class loader check that prevents web applications from trying to override J2SE implementation classes. As part of this fix, refactor the way a null parent class loader is handled which enables a number of null checks and object creation calls to be removed. (markt)
fix	55958: Differentiate between foo.war the WAR file and foo.war the directory. (markt)
fix	55960: Improve the single sign on (SSO) unit tests. Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
fix	55974: Retain order when reporting errors and warnings while parsing XML configuration files. (markt)
fix	56013: Fix issue with SPNEGO authentication when using IBM JREs. IBM JREs only understand the option of infinite lifetime for Kerberos credentials. Based on a patch provided by Arunav Sanyal. (markt)
fix	56016: When loading resources for XML schema validation, take account of the possibility that servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar may not be loaded by the same class loader. Patch by Juan Carlos Estibariz. (markt)
fix	56025: When creating a WebSocket connection, always call ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator.getNegotiatedSubprotocol() and always create the EndPoint instance after calling ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator.modifyHandshake(). (markt)
fix	56032: Ensure that the WebSocket connection is closed after an IO error or an interrupt while sending a WebSocket message. (markt)
fix	56042: If a request in async mode has an error but has already been dispatched don't generate an error page in the ErrorReportValve so the dispatch target can handle it. (markt)
fix	 Add missing javax.annotation.sql.* classes to annotations-api.jar. (markt)
fix	 The type of logger attribute of Context MBean should be not org.apache.commons.logging.Log but org.apache.juli.logging.Log. (kfujino)
fix	56082: Fix a concurrency bug in JULI's LogManager implementation. (markt)
fix	56096: When the attribute rmiBindAddress of the JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener is specified it's value will be used when constructing the address of a JMX API connector server. Patch is provided by Jim Talbut. (violetagg)
fix	 When environment entry with one and the same name is defined in the web deployment descriptor and with annotation then the one specified in the web deployment descriptor is with priority. (violetagg)
fix	 Change default value of xmlBlockExternal attribute of Context. It is true now. (kkolinko)
fix	 Avoid possible NPE if a content type is specified without a character set. (markt)
fix	55956: Make the forwarded remote IP address available to the Connectors via a request attribute. (markt)
fix	55976: Fix sendfile support for the HTTP NIO connector. (markt)
fix	55996: Ensure Async requests timeout correctly when using the NIO HTTP connector. (markt)
add	56021: Make it possible to use the Windows-MY key store with the BIO and NIO connectors for SSL configuration. It requires a keystoreFile="" keystoreType="Windows-My" to be set on the connector. Based on a patch provided by Asanka. (markt)
fix	 Correct a regression in the XML refactoring that meant that errors in TLD files were swallowed. (markt)
fix	55671: Correct typo in the log message for a wrong value of genStringAsCharArray init-param of JspServlet. This parameter had a different name in Tomcat 6. (kkolinko)
fix	55973: Fix processing of XML schemas when validation is enabled in Jasper. (kkolinko)
fix	56010: Don't throw an IllegalArgumentException when JspFactory.getPageContext is used with JspWriter.DEFAULT_BUFFER. Based on a patch by Eugene Chung. (markt)
fix	56012: When using the extends attribute of the page directive do not import the super class if it is in an unnamed package as imports from unnamed packages are now explicitly illegal. (markt)
fix	56029: A regression in the fix for 55198 meant that when EL containing a ternary expression was used in an attribute a compilation error would occur for some expressions. (markt)
fix	 Correct several errors in jspxml Schema and DTD. (kkolinko)
fix	 Change default value of the blockExternal attribute of JspC task. The default value is true. Add support for -no-blockExternal switch when JspC is run as a standalone application. (kkolinko)
code	 Simplify the code of o.a.c.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster.createManager(String). Remove unnecessary class cast. (kfujino)
fix	 Do not return an empty string for the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol HTTP header when no sub-protocol has been requested or no sub-protocol could be agreed as RFC6455 requires that no Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header is returned in this case. (markt)
Web applications
fix	 Add index.xhtml to the welcome files list for the examples web application. (kkolinko)
fix	 Clarify that the connectionTimeout may also be used as the read timeout when reading a request body (if any) in the documentation web application. (markt)
fix	 Clarify the behaviour of the maxConnections attribute for a connector in the documentation web application. (markt)
fix	55888: Update the documentation web application to make it clearer that a Container may define no more than one Realm. (markt)
fix	55956: Where available, displayed the forwarded remote IP address available on the status page of the Manager web application. (markt)
fix	 Correct links to the Tomcat mailing lists in the ROOT web application. (kkolinko)
fix	 In Manager web application improve handling of file upload errors. Display a message instead of error 500 page. Simplify parts handling code, as it is known that Tomcat takes care of them when recycling a request. (kkolinko)
fix	55166, 56045: Copy the XML schemas used for validation that are packaged in jsp-api.jar to servlet-api.jar so that an embedded Tomcat instance can start without Jasper being available. This also enables validation to work without Jasper being available. (markt/kkolinko)
fix	56039: Enable the JmxRemoteLifecycleListener to work over SSL. Patch by esengstrom. (markt)
fix	55743: Enable the stop script to work when the shutdown port is disabled and a PID file is defined. This is only available on platforms that use catalina.sh. (markt)
fix	55986: When forcing Tomcat to stop via kill -9 $CATALINA_PID, the catalina.sh script could incorrectly report that Tomcat had not yet completely stopped when it had. Based on a patch by jess. (markt)
fix	 Package correct license and notice files with embedded JARs. (markt)
code	 Remove svn keywords (such as $Id) from source files and documentation. (kkolinko)
fix	 Fix CVE-2014-0050, a denial of service with a malicious, malformed Content-Type header and multipart request processing. Fixed by merging latest code (r1565163) from Commons FileUpload. (markt)
fix	56115: Expose the httpusecaches property of Ant's get task as some users may need to change the default. Based on a suggestion by Anthony. (markt)

Fix: Attached diff file

Patch attached with submission follows:
Comment 1 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-04-03 02:30:06 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->ale

Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Comment 2 dfilter service freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-04-03 11:06:04 UTC
Author: ale
Date: Thu Apr  3 10:06:00 2014
New Revision: 349986
URL: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/349986
QAT: https://qat.redports.org/buildarchive/r349986/

  Update to 7.0.53 release.
  PR:		ports/188211
  Submitted by:	Patrick Abeya <wombat@marsupial.org>


Modified: head/www/tomcat7/Makefile
--- head/www/tomcat7/Makefile	Thu Apr  3 10:02:04 2014	(r349985)
+++ head/www/tomcat7/Makefile	Thu Apr  3 10:06:00 2014	(r349986)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 PORTNAME=	tomcat
 CATEGORIES=	www java
 MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=	tomcat/tomcat-7/v${PORTVERSION}/bin

Modified: head/www/tomcat7/distinfo
--- head/www/tomcat7/distinfo	Thu Apr  3 10:02:04 2014	(r349985)
+++ head/www/tomcat7/distinfo	Thu Apr  3 10:06:00 2014	(r349986)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (apache-tomcat-7.0.50.tar.gz) = 7be7b2d9e6626c81f2aa3d39a7e5b0e52e025d773cd29c4a0cf9e71b0d4c11e9
-SIZE (apache-tomcat-7.0.50.tar.gz) = 8313171
+SHA256 (apache-tomcat-7.0.53.tar.gz) = f5e79d70ca7962d11abfc753e47b68a11fdfb4a409e76e2b7bd0a945f80f87c9
+SIZE (apache-tomcat-7.0.53.tar.gz) = 8780629

Modified: head/www/tomcat7/pkg-plist
--- head/www/tomcat7/pkg-plist	Thu Apr  3 10:02:04 2014	(r349985)
+++ head/www/tomcat7/pkg-plist	Thu Apr  3 10:06:00 2014	(r349986)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
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Comment 3 Alex Dupre freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-04-03 11:06:08 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Updated, thanks!