In the 4.0 build it would default to using fifo: - your fifos are usable configure: checking for broken fifo implementation... - your implementation is ok configure: checking sockets... - your sockets are usable configure: checking socket implementation... - you are normal - both sockets and fifos usable. let's take fifos. In 4.3 it now defaults to sockets: - your fifos are usable configure: checking for broken fifo implementation... - your implementation is ok configure: checking sockets... - your sockets are usable configure: checking socket implementation... - you are normal - both sockets and fifos usable. let's take sockets. The impact of this is that NAMEDPIPE is *not* defined in the 4.3 config.h, so the SockFind function ignores any existing fifos in socket.c: #ifndef SOCK_NOT_IN_FS # ifdef NAMEDPIPE # ifdef S_ISFIFO debug("S_ISFIFO?\n"); if (!S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) continue; # endif # else # ifdef S_ISSOCK debug("S_ISSOCK?\n"); if (!S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode)) continue; # endif # endif #endif This requires all sessions to be sockets and ignored older fifo. I would consider this to be an upstream bug. Something such as this would fix it to work with older sessions and also stick to fifos in new sessions: post-configure: echo "#define NAMEDPIPE 1" >> ${WRKSRC}/config.h
A commit references this bug: Author: cy Date: Sat Jun 14 04:07:56 UTC 2014 New revision: 357739 URL: Log: Make screen 4.0 compatible, prefer fifo over sockets. PR: 191017 Submitted by: bdrewery Changes: head/sysutils/screen/Makefile
Committed. Thanks.
After this update I cannot connect to my screen sessions anymore, just like when screen was updated to 4.2.1. The files are still listed in /tmp/screens/S-..., but screen -list doesn't find any. Is there any way to recover these sessions?
After the previous fifo->sockets change broke my existing sessions, I started looking at the code to see if it could accept either to attach to existing sessions (and prefer one for new sessions). I didn't find an easy way in the existing code. The way it is structured, it makes it hard to do that (or I missed the simple way). Ideally, a patch to support both would be nice. A couple quick searches in the upstream resources (mailing list, bug reports) was not fruitful either (although there were complaints): When I hit the fifo->sockets update breakage, my workaround was to keep an old binary that used fifos. Another option would be that the port could build a bin/screen-fifo and bin/screen-socket. It'd be a bit of building gymnastics, and it's really a hack, but it seems easier than trying to find a patch to support both in the same binary. Closely related would be to add socket/fifo port options. [The other workaround was that now I use tmux more and am mostly happy with that, but still use screen in some cases.]
Option added.
Great, thanks to both of you. In the end I indeed rebuild the previous version of the port, which at least allowed me to properly close the sessions and avoid data loss.