I was planning on submitting a formal patch but I just don't have enough time lately. Filing a bug report with raw details captured for someone that can work on it. Missing deps: apache24(or variant) fping nmap php55-json mod_php55 php55-tokenizer php55-filter Xpython databases/py-MySQLdb php55-mcrypt (see below for partial implementation) Suggested makefile entries (work in progress): (some of these may be optional but it is hard to tell from the product docs. Wouldn't hurt to include by default as options, even if disabled.) -USE_PHP= snmp ctype gd mysql session xml +USE_PHP= ctype filter gd json mcrypt mysql session snmp tokenizer xml -OPTIONS_DEFINE= APACHEMOD MYSQLD -OPTIONS_DEFAULT= APACHEMOD +OPTIONS_DEFINE= APACHEMOD FPING IPMITOOL LIBVIRT MYSQLD NAGPLUGINS NMAP SUBVERSION WMIC +OPTIONS_DEFAULT= APACHEMOD FPING IPMITOOL LIBVIRT NAGPLUGINS NMAP SUBVERSION WMIC RUN_DEPENDS+= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}MySQLdb>=0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/py-MySQLdb RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/wget:${PORTSDIR}/ftp/wget +FPING_RUN_DEPENDS= fping:${PORTSDIR}/net/fping +IPMITOOL_RUN_DEPENDS= ipmitool:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/ipmitool +LIBVIRT_RUN_DEPENDS= virsh:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libvirt +NAGPLUGINS_RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/nagios/check_nagios:${PORTSDIR}/net-mgmt/nagios-plugins +NMAP_RUN_DEPENDS= nmap:${PORTSDIR}/security/nmap +SUBVERSION_RUN_DEPENDS= subversion:${PORTSDIR}/devel/subversion +WMIC_RUN_DEPENDS= wmic:${PORTSDIR}/net-mgmt/wmi-client (need to add desc for FPING NMAP SUBVERSION, rest have a default I think) "The mcrypt extension is missing. This extension required for use by the "remember me" feature. Please install the php5-mcrypt package on Ubuntu/Debian or the php-mcrypt package on RHEL/Centos. Alternatively, you can disable this feature by setting $config['login_remember_me'] = FALSE; in your config." use @sample for config.php.default (rename it) patch the binary paths for fping etc in the default config find /usr/local/www/observium -name \*.php -exec chmod +x {} \; find /usr/local/www/observium -name \*.py -exec chmod +x {} \; the rrd directory needs ownership by www Apache needs mod_rewrite The suggested crontab entries in official documentation follow bad policy of completely ignoring all errors by using >> /dev/null 2>&1. This was one of my stumbling blocks. And finally, the item which gave me the most trouble was where poller.php OVERRIDES SETTINGS FROM PHP.INI that I had enabled to try to track down missing php modules etc. Observium takes an extremely hostile position of disabling display_errors, display_startup_errors, log_errors, and error_reporting unless a (undocumented?) debug variable is set somewhere. I think this behavior is a disservice to well meaning administrators and at least log_errors should not be disabled on a standard install. This is not a fault of the port, but the port can make it more admin-friendly.
Auto-assigned to maintainer feld@FreeBSD.org
Thanks for the report. It's hard to get proper requirements from upstream and they're only doing one open source code drop every 6 months now. Can you attach your changes as an svn patch? I'll try to work from this and improve the experience for an "out of the box" install.
I was intending to submit improvements in the form of an svn patch, but I just have not found the time to finish it. Rather than silently sit on it for months, I put my notes here. At the very least, I would suggest updating the USE_PHP line with what is below, otherwise the admin will be chasing their tail because it absolutely won't work without the required php modules.
A commit references this bug: Author: feld Date: Tue Mar 24 02:05:49 UTC 2015 New revision: 382062 URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/382062 Log: Update to Numerous fixes and enhancements: - Support for more functionality by default - @sample the config.php.default - Fix permissions issues - Default paths to utilities corrected PR: 193982 PR: 195919 Changes: head/net-mgmt/observium/Makefile head/net-mgmt/observium/distinfo head/net-mgmt/observium/files/patch-includes_defaults.inc.php head/net-mgmt/observium/files/pkg-message.in head/net-mgmt/observium/pkg-plist