Bug 197264 - x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 [maintainer] NEW VERSION 2.2.1 --> 2.2.2
Summary: x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 [maintainer] NEW VERSION 2.2.1 --> 2.2.2
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: Bartek Rutkowski
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-02-02 06:21 UTC by Chris Hutchinson
Modified: 2015-02-25 23:43 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:

svn diff for x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 version update (2.14 KB, patch)
2015-02-02 06:21 UTC, Chris Hutchinson
no flags Details | Diff
svn diff for x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 version 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 (1.99 KB, patch)
2015-02-24 16:00 UTC, Chris Hutchinson
no flags Details | Diff
svn diff for x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 version 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 (1.97 KB, patch)
2015-02-24 16:34 UTC, Chris Hutchinson
no flags Details | Diff
svn diff for x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 version 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 (2.12 KB, patch)
2015-02-24 21:05 UTC, Chris Hutchinson
no flags Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Chris Hutchinson 2015-02-02 06:21:31 UTC
Created attachment 152468 [details]
svn diff for x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 version update

Version update from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2

Version 2.2.2's most significant change, is the use of symlinks,
not copies, for icon duplication. Version 2.2.2 also adds additional
icons, as well as a new maintainer. The next version will introduce
even more icons!

Please find the svn diff, attached. To accommodate this update.

Thank you for all your time, and consideration.

Comment 1 Bartek Rutkowski freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-02-24 11:40:02 UTC
The patch looks good, but could you please fix the pkg-descr? This file aims to describe the port and package in very generic terms, not to be used as a changelog of what's new/changed in current version.

For more information, please, see: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/porting-desc.html
Comment 2 Chris Hutchinson 2015-02-24 16:00:08 UTC
Created attachment 153444 [details]
svn diff for x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 version 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2

pkg-descr not so CHANGELOG'ish, as per Bartek Rutkowski' suggestion.

Thanks, Bartek Rutkowski, for tending to this.

Comment 3 Bartek Rutkowski freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-02-24 16:12:03 UTC
The pkg-descr still doesnt look entirely correct - feel free to describe the port to the users in detail and as long as needed to present the package and its functionality, purpose, etc, but avoid version tied information (that's what I meant by pkg-descr being generic) - as soon as you bump the port version from 2.2.2 to something higher, the pkg-descr will be obsolete, as it references that version and will confuse users.
Comment 4 Chris Hutchinson 2015-02-24 16:34:19 UTC
Created attachment 153447 [details]
svn diff for x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 version 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2

Sure, of course. I guess I was still in CHANGELOG mode.
I'll save such announcements for the web page. :-)
I think this diff provides an intended pkg-descr.

Thanks, again, and sorry for the bother.

Comment 5 Bartek Rutkowski freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-02-24 20:35:02 UTC
You wont like it, but I still think the pkg-descr text should be a bit different ;) Try to avoid marketing speech, just describe what the package is (current text doesnt really says that), what is its functionality and so on. If in doubt - see other packages and the Porters Handbook link I've sent earlier.
Comment 6 Chris Hutchinson 2015-02-24 21:04:56 UTC
(In reply to Bartek Rutkowski from comment #5)
> You wont like it, but I still think the pkg-descr text should be a bit
> different ;) Try to avoid marketing speech, just describe what the package
> is (current text doesnt really says that), what is its functionality and so
> on. If in doubt - see other packages and the Porters Handbook link I've sent
> earlier.

LOL. No prob. I'm wearing too many hats today. Let's
see if I've put the correct one on this time. :)

Please have a look at the updated svn diff, and see
if I've got right, this time. :)

Thanks for all the time you've put into this, Bartek Rutkowski!

Comment 7 Chris Hutchinson 2015-02-24 21:05:48 UTC
Created attachment 153471 [details]
svn diff for x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2 version 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
Comment 8 Bartek Rutkowski freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-02-24 21:10:25 UTC
Looks great, thanks for your patience and cooperation! I will have it tested, and if everything works good, then committed tomorrow.
Comment 9 Chris Hutchinson 2015-02-24 21:15:17 UTC
(In reply to Bartek Rutkowski from comment #8)
> Looks great, thanks for your patience and cooperation! I will have it
> tested, and if everything works good, then committed tomorrow.

Thank you! :)

Comment 10 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-02-25 22:35:24 UTC
A commit references this bug:

Author: robak
Date: Wed Feb 25 22:34:37 UTC 2015
New revision: 379966
URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/379966

  x11-themes/kde-icons-nuovext2: update 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2

  - Improve pkg-descr text

  PR:		197264
  Submitted by:	Chris Hutchinson <portmaster@bsdforge.com>

Comment 11 Bartek Rutkowski freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-02-25 22:36:27 UTC
Committed, thanks for the patch and keep up the good work!
Comment 12 Chris Hutchinson 2015-02-25 23:43:59 UTC
(In reply to Bartek Rutkowski from comment #11)
> Committed, thanks for the patch and keep up the good work!

Thank *you*, Bartek Rutkowski. I really appreciate all the
time you spent with this!
