Created attachment 152646 [details] sysutils/afio Makefile pkg-descr pkg-message (svn diff) sysutils/afio I've already started some development on afio. I intend to start contributing those efforts into current source. As a result, I'd like to maintain this port. Modifies: Makefile pkg-descr Adds: pkg-message Please find the svn diff, attached. Please also find the QA log, also attached. Thank you for all your time, and consideration. --Chris
Created attachment 152647 [details] QA log for sysutils/afio
Could you please adjust the pkg-descr text accordingly do the Porter's Handbook guidelines and upload the new patch? I could test it then, and commit it if its all good.
Created attachment 153546 [details] svn diff for sysutils/afio - Makefile pkg-descr, adds pkg-message Ahem, you *did* see the original one, didn't you? At least mine was better than that. ;) I get it, like before; too much "hype". :) I think (hope) you'll find this version, more to your liking. Thanks, Bartek Rutkowski. --Chris
By the way, is there a reason for changing the WWW url but MASTERSITE staying the same? Are you forking the project, or have the original upsteram passed it over to you?
(In reply to Bartek Rutkowski from comment #4) > By the way, is there a reason for changing the WWW url but MASTERSITE > staying the same? Are you forking the project, or have the original upsteram > passed it over to you? Reasonable question. :) (passed) but I didn't see a good reason to change MASTER_SITES until I add my additions/changes, which will also necessitate a version bump. Thanks, Bartek Rutkowski. --Chris
A commit references this bug: Author: robak Date: Fri Feb 27 15:12:43 UTC 2015 New revision: 380095 URL: Log: sysutils/afio: set MAINTAINER to - Add LICENSE - Add pkg-message PR: 197382 Submitted by: Chris Hutchinson <> Changes: head/sysutils/afio/Makefile head/sysutils/afio/files/ head/sysutils/afio/pkg-descr
Committed, with minor changes (please, see the port for details), thanks for stepping up and taking care of this port!
(In reply to Bartek Rutkowski from comment #7) > Committed, with minor changes (please, see the port for details), thanks for > stepping up and taking care of this port! Thank you very much, Bartek Rutkowski, for taking the time to do this! --Chris