Since hplip is 3.16 I can't print with HP_LaserJet_Professional_M1212nf_MFP. Driver is available in ppd but not installed (see pkg-plist) and have some error with foomatic: HP_LaserJet_Professional_M1212nf_MFP: File \"/usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip\" not available: No such file or directory Worked nice with hplip 3.14
Open HP Device Manager and try removing and re-adding the printer.
I already try to remove/re-add the printer. I also try to change driver and I have this error "filter failed". I continue to search the problem.
Created attachment 168425 [details] patch I see this printer requires print/hplip-plugin. There's a known problem with that port. Please patch it with the attached patch, then rebuild and reinstall it. When you re-add the printer you should not have to change the PPD file. The default should be fine (something that starts with "drv://hpcups.drv/").
A commit references this bug: Author: tijl Date: Mon Mar 21 11:21:29 UTC 2016 New revision: 411553 URL: Log: - These binary plugins are compiled for Linux and some require glibc functions that our libc does not provide so they fail to load. Implement the glibc functions in a wrapper library for each plugin. - Do all of the building and installing from do-build and do-install. The upstream install scripts require too many hacks to stay inside the work directory. - Add LICENSE information. PR: 208142 Tested by: avg Changes: head/print/hplip-plugin/Makefile head/print/hplip-plugin/files/ head/print/hplip-plugin/files/ head/print/hplip-plugin/files/wrap.c head/print/hplip-plugin/pkg-descr head/print/hplip-plugin/pkg-plist
I've just committed the patch so please try if using hplip-plugin-3.16.2_1 fixes your problem.
Hello, I tried with your patch. I managed to print, only it does not work with him, but with cups; hplip wan't install hplip-plugin... I retried deinstall delete everything related to cups hplip and hplip plugin and reinstall all, and now I get the message "unable to get list of printer drivers - internal error" I'll do more tests this week
Comment on attachment 168425 [details] patch Try the following: 1. Run this command as root: service cupsd stop 2. Delete cups, cups-filters, hplip and hplip-plugin: pkg delete -f cups cups-filters hplip hplip-plugin 3. Make sure the following directories are also gone: /usr/local/etc/cups /usr/local/libexec/cups /usr/local/share/cups /usr/local/share/hplip /usr/local/share/ppd/HP /var/cache/cups /var/lib/hp /var/log/cups /var/run/cups /var/spool/cups ~/.cups ~/.hplip /root/.cups /root/.hplip 4. Update your ports tree. 5. If you made any changes to print/cups, print/cups-filters, print/hplip or print/hplip-plugin, please undo them. 6. Do a clean rebuild and reinstall of cups, cups-filters, hplip and hplip-plugin: cd /usr/ports/print/cups make clean make install clean cd /usr/ports/print/cups-filters make clean make install clean cd /usr/ports/print/hplip make clean make install clean cd /usr/ports/print/hplip-plugin make clean make install clean 7. Restart devd and cupsd: service devd restart service cupsd restart 8. Open HP Device Manager and try to setup the printer.
Did you get the printer working?
I follow your instructions without success. BUT I can print configuring my printer with cups... My steps: Install cups, hplip, hplip-plugin etc. Copy hp-laserjet_professional_m1212nf_mfp.ppd from distifles into /usr/local/share/ppd/HP/ configure printer with cups Now I can print.
So what exactly goes wrong when you follow my steps?
First, I can't found ppd of my printer with your patch. I need to put manually into /usr/local/share/ppd/HP Second, I can't configure my printer with HPLIP.
You don't need to look for a PPD file. When configuring with CUPS it should give you a list of HP printers. Your printer is listed as "HP LaserJet Professional m1212nf MFP, hpcups 3.16.2, requires proprietary plugin". When you select this model a PPD file will be generated automatically. What goes wrong when you use HP Device Manager?
Created attachment 169459 [details] screenshot OK. When I try to install the printer via HP Device Manager I get the same error with plugin. See the screenshot.
Created attachment 169461 [details] patch Can you apply this patch for print/hplip-plugin and rebuild/reinstall that port? Then retry with HP Device Manager.
Created attachment 169486 [details] patch2 The previous patch doesn't make a difference. Try this one instead.
Hello, It's ok for the printer! Thanks! now I've a problem with xsane IO/error. I search if it's related with hplip-plugin.
I'm not familiar with Sane. The obvious thing to check is that it can access the USB device. CUPS installs a devd file in /usr/local/etc/devd/cups.conf. This sets the permissions on USB printers to root:cups 660. You may have to add users to group cups. Or maybe you need to add the saned user to group cups.
A commit references this bug: Author: tijl Date: Sun Apr 24 19:39:35 UTC 2016 New revision: 413957 URL: Log: Install plugins with +x because HPLIP thinks the installation is corrupt otherwise. PR: 208142 Reported by: Changes: head/print/hplip-plugin/Makefile
I've just committed a change to print/hplip-plugin that fixed scanning for someone. Can you update the port and see if it fixes your problem too?
Yes, it's ok. Thanks!