I use xscreensaver on my workstation at work. We use LDAP (AD) for user accounts, so I have to build xscreensaver with PAM support. This is the only package that I need to build from the port; all others I can simply install from prebuilt packages. Would you consider enabling the PAM option by default? It would definitely be more convenient for people in "enterprise" environments.
Hi! Which version of FreeBSD are you using? There's a PR report about xscreensaver and pam not working on FreeBSD 11, so I tohugh it'd check what you are using first.
I'm on 11-STABLE right now: FreeBSD 11.0-PRERELEASE #0 r305779+e1bcca4(stable/11): Tue Sep 13 15:15:04 CDT 2016 This machine ran multiple 10.x releases, then 11-CURRENT, then 11-STABLE. I've never had trouble with xscreensaver and PAM. I lock and unlock my workstation several times every weekday. $ pkg info xsc\* xscreensaver-5.35 Let me know if you need more information.
Is this still relevant?
Yes. The situation has not changed. I would still love to see xscreensaver built with PAM.
I would still like to see this change go in. This is an impediment to using FreeBSD in a corporate network, especially Active Directory.
A commit references this bug: Author: zeising Date: Wed Apr 1 20:29:43 UTC 2020 New revision: 530240 URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/530240 Log: x11/xscreensaver: Update to 5.44 Update x11/xscreensaver to 5.44 Enable PAM by default [1] Changelog: https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/changelog.html PR: 212830, 211424 [1] Changes: head/x11/xscreensaver/Makefile head/x11/xscreensaver/distinfo head/x11/xscreensaver/pkg-plist