Created attachment 175893 [details] v1 With stack alignment crashes fixed SIMD should be safe to use by default given the code is gated by CPUID check at runtime. CPUID is also used on amd64 to enable SSE4 or AVX at runtime but we haven't seen crashes there, so there's no corresponding compile-time options.
Maintainer timeout ? ;)
If I remember correctly there used to be some use of MMX code not covered by a cpuid check, but I can't find it now so it's probably ok. The SSE option currently adds -msse to CFLAGS. The patch should remove that.
Hi, Is there a similar problem with firefox? --HPS
A commit references this bug: Author: riggs Date: Sun Nov 20 18:49:59 UTC 2016 New revision: 426611 URL: Log: Re-enable MMX/SSE by default on i386 after stack alignment fixes PR: 213583 Submitted by: jbeich Changes: head/multimedia/ffmpeg/Makefile
Can you also drop the following line per comment 2? It appeared in ports r135093 when ffmpeg didn't have --{en,dis}able-sse knob yet despite CPUID support for detecting SSE. SSE_VARS= FFMPEG_CFLAGS+="-msse"
A commit references this bug: Author: riggs Date: Sun Nov 20 20:03:39 UTC 2016 New revision: 426618 URL: Log: Remove -msse from CFLAGS; fixes runtime issue for non-sse CPUs As mentioned in the discussion trail of bug 213583, this is necessary for certain i386 CPUs. PR: 213583 Submitted by: jbeich Changes: head/multimedia/ffmpeg/Makefile