- Host: FreeBSD 11.0 - Ansible: 2.3.0 I'm using ansible since version 2.1, and with all the 'become' changes I finally had found a way to install a few things with 'su' method. I'm using the 'su' method because I need to install just a few packages and files on freshly installed servers. With version 2.2.1, the su password was well sent to each server, but with 2.3.0, nothing happens and the 'su' command on the remote server hangs forever. my site.yml: ``` - hosts: all become: yes become_method: su become_user: root gather_facts: False vars: ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/local/bin/python" tasks: - name: Install python with raw as ansible relies on it for most commands except raw raw: pkg install -fy python ``` my ansible.cfg: ``` [defaults] transport = paramiko become_ask_pass = True host_key_checking = False [ssh_connection] ssh_args=-o ForwardAgent=yes ``` the anible command I'm using: ``` ansible-playbook -i ./hosts -u remoteuser -k -K site.yml ``` Works well with 2.2.1. Does not work with 2.3.0.
(In reply to Guillaume Bibaut from comment #0) You should file this bug upstream at: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues though it looks like: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/23689 is similar if not exactly the same. (Also fixing title and assigning to maintainer while here.)
(In reply to Steve Wills from comment #1) Added a new issue upstream: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/23699
A commit references this bug: Author: lifanov Date: Tue Apr 18 17:51:44 UTC 2017 New revision: 438787 URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/438787 Log: sysutils/ansible: fix prompt for become-method=su PR: 218724 Reported by: Guillaume Bibaut <yom@iaelu.net> Changes: head/sysutils/ansible/Makefile head/sysutils/ansible/files/extra-patch-f82d95a
Fixed, thank you!
A commit references this bug: Author: lifanov Date: Thu Jun 22 18:53:31 UTC 2017 New revision: 444127 URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/444127 Log: MFH: r438364 r438419 r438787 r441093 r442458 update sysutils/ansible to This is a major release! https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/v2.3.0.0-1/CHANGELOG.md o stop "fixing" default interpreter of /usr/bin/python o remove NETADDR option and depend on py-netaddr unconditionally Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D10165 sysutils/ansible1: fix packaging Also, bump expiration date again since I touched it. I plan to keep it around until sysutils/py-ploy_ansible is migrated. sysutils/ansible: fix prompt for become-method=su PR: 218724 Reported by: Guillaume Bibaut <yom@iaelu.net> sysutils/ansible: add dependency on py-jmespath o add missing dependency on py-jmespath required by built-in jsonquery o sort dependency list PR: 219359 Submitted by: Dave Cottlehuber <dch@skunkwerks.at> update sysutils/ansible to Relnotes: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.3.1.0-1/CHANGELOG.md Security: 15a04b9f-47cb-11e7-a853-001fbc0f280f Approved by: ports-secteam (feld) Changes: _U branches/2017Q2/ branches/2017Q2/UPDATING branches/2017Q2/sysutils/ansible/Makefile branches/2017Q2/sysutils/ansible/distinfo branches/2017Q2/sysutils/ansible/files/pkg-message.in branches/2017Q2/sysutils/ansible1/Makefile