Created attachment 184824 [details] Proposed fix. I just was a little puzzled about the following: WARN: Makefile: [72]: Setting a specific version for USE_GCC should only be done as a last resort. Unless you have confirmed this port does not build with later versions of GCC, please use USE_GCC=5 # Cannot require ourselves, needs to be at least 4.9.+. Looking at the code I realized portlint does not trim comments, but uses everything after USE_GCC= as the parameter to this option. This patch addresses it. (Pardon my poor Perl skills; there may be better ways.)
Committed to my repo ahead of the next release. Thanks.
A commit references this bug: Author: marcus Date: Thu Aug 3 12:55:02 UTC 2017 New revision: 447208 URL: Log: Update to 2.17.11. * Trim comments after USE_GCC [1] * Add a check for redundant SHEBANG_LANG values [2] * Make sure both USES and USE_* are actually seen before checking to see if one is included before the other [3] PR: 221085 [1] 220500 [2] Submitted by: gerald [1] Reported by: dbaio [3] Changes: head/ports-mgmt/portlint/Makefile head/ports-mgmt/portlint/src/
Committed to 2.17.11. Thanks!