Hi, i've tried sbin/chio-bareos with SIMULATE_BARCODE=false and it is broken: #chio-bareos /dev/ch0 list 1 /dev/sa0 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 It also does not implement the listall command (needed by the webui): #chio-bareos /dev/ch0 listall 1 /dev/sa0 0 Valid commands: unload Unloads a tape into the slot from where it was loaded. load <slot> Loads a tape from the slot <slot> (slot-base is calculated to 1 as first slot) list Lists full storage slots loaded Gives slot from where the tape was loaded. 0 means the tape drive is empty. slots Gives Number of aviable slots. Could we import freebsd/chio-changer from upstream? I've tested it and here is the the output for the "list" and "listall" command: # chio-changer /dev/ch0 list 1 /dev/sa0 0 1:A00411L3 2:A00412L3 3:A00413L3 4:A00414L3 6:A00416L3 7:A00417L3 8:CLN690L1 # chio-changer /dev/ch0 listall 1 /dev/sa0 0 S:1:F:A00411L3 S:2:F:A00412L3 S:3:F:A00413L3 S:4:F:A00414L3 S:5:E S:6:F:A00416L3 S:7:F:A00417L3 S:8:F:CLN690L1 D:0:F:5:A00415L3 This output looks pretty much like the one generated by mtx-changer (see Bug 225119 - [patch] sysutils/bareos-server mtx-changer script is broken). Also the webui isn't complaing anymore. https://github.com/bareos/bareos/blob/master/platforms/freebsd/chio-changer Thanks & Cheers, Daniel
A commit references this bug: Author: acm Date: Fri May 18 19:00:39 UTC 2018 New revision: 470319 URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/470319 Log: - Import chio-bareos - Fix perl path into mtx-changer - Add/modify CONFLICTS - Add GNUTLS option - Few other modifications PR: 225119 225908 227318 Changes: head/sysutils/bareos-client/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos-client-static/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos-docs/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos-server/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos-server/files/chio-bareos head/sysutils/bareos-traymonitor/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos16-bat/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos16-client/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos16-client-static/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos16-server/Makefile head/sysutils/bareos16-server/files/chio-bareos head/sysutils/bareos16-traymonitor/Makefile
- Please, look at bareos16-server or bareos-server. chio-bareos script was imported. Thanks