The rc.d script as it stands is broken as the minetest server *requires* HOME dir to be set to a writable location. Either we can add something like this to rc.d script: : ${minetest_env="HOME=/var/db/minetest"} Or change the daemon user creation to make the HOME dir location writable. I'd prefer the latter but don't see how to do that within ports framework.
maintainer timeout, will roll this into 238064
A commit references this bug: Author: amdmi3 Date: Wed Jul 31 22:50:16 UTC 2019 New revision: 507742 URL: Log: - Update to 5.0.1 - Rework options - Unbundle dependencies where possible - Fix minetestserver rc.d script by setting HOME [1] - Unbreak in powerpc [3] - Update WWW PR: 235355 [1], 238064 [2], 239413 [3] Submitted by: [1], [2], [3] Changes: head/games/minetest/Makefile head/games/minetest/distinfo head/games/minetest/files/ head/games/minetest/files/patch-src_CMakeLists.txt head/games/minetest/pkg-descr