Created attachment 212528 [details] Unbreak, improve The original SourceForge project has moved to GitHub a while ago, and the port is now broken. The GitHub code -- unmodified in 18 years (!) -- is almost the same as what the original distfile contained except: 1. No more configure -- only 2. No more RCS variables in code -- git does not support them. 3. contains code to find res_query on Cygwin (!), which breaks on FreeBSD Instead of trying to -- so that the sole C file can be built with gmake, this patch switches to a The corrected version of upstream's moves into files/ too -- to be handled by the SUB_FILES-mechanism. The DOCS-option is removed -- it was never handled properly anyway, and the author does not include useful documentation beyond the program's usage(). Other useless files are omitted too. Finally, a couple of warnings are fixed in the C-code itself to qualify for WARNS=2.
A commit references this bug: Author: arrowd Date: Sat Apr 25 11:42:32 UTC 2020 New revision: 532940 URL: Log: mail/rblcheck: Unbreak the port. PR: 244911 Submitted by: mi Changes: head/mail/rblcheck/Makefile head/mail/rblcheck/distinfo head/mail/rblcheck/files/BSDmakefile head/mail/rblcheck/files/patch-rblcheck.c head/mail/rblcheck/files/ head/mail/rblcheck/pkg-plist