I'm on Wayland, so use wl-copy instead of xclip. googler supports more tools: if shutil.which('xsel') is not None: copier_params = ['xsel', '-b', '-i'] elif shutil.which('xclip') is not None: copier_params = ['xclip', '-selection', 'clipboard'] elif shutil.which('wl-copy') is not None: copier_params = ['wl-copy'] elif shutil.which('termux-clipboard-set') is not None: copier_params = ['termux-clipboard-set']
A commit references this bug: Author: nivit Date: Thu Mar 11 08:32:39 UTC 2021 New revision: 568070 URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/568070 Log: www/googler: update to 4.3.2 Remove runtime dependency by xclip. [1] Add pkg-message to inform the user that copy URL to clipboard requires an external program. PR: 250902 [1] Submitted by: jbeich Changes: head/www/googler/Makefile head/www/googler/distinfo head/www/googler/pkg-message
Fixed. Thank you for the PR.