The GNU Portable Threads port (/usr/ports/devel/pth) installs the header file /usr/local/include/pthread.h, which in some circumstances hides /usr/include/pthread.h, causing spectacular build failures (e.g., in xmms). The subsequent build failures die at link time, choking on undefined symbols such as "__pthread_read" or "__pthread_select", which are defined in /usr/local/include/pthread.h as installed by GNU Pth. Fix: Do not install the GNU Portable Threads package on any system that has native pthreads support (i.e., mark GNU Portable Threads as broken for 4.x and 5.x systems). How-To-Repeat: Install the GNU Portable Threads package on a 4.2-STABLE box and try to build the latest xmms or freeamp ports.
Can the maintainer comment on this one please? Thanks, Doug
State Changed From-To: open->closed I've reverted the maintainership of this port to, so others can look at it if they wish. The ports has been updated to 1.4.0 since the original request, but the namespace conflict remains. I don't believe the solution proposed here (marking it broken for 4.x and 5.x) is appropriate, since pth is considerably different from the base system threads - if anyone has ideas about fixing the conflict, including updating any dependent ports, please file a new PR.