When built as non-root, install by root leaves files owned by non-root builder. This is a serious problem, as files in /usr/local should not be owned by random users. The following ports all have the same error in the Makefile: java/gnu-regexp/Makefile java/jakarta-oro/Makefile java/jakarta-regexp/Makefile java/jce-aba/Makefile java/jdk-tutorial/Makefile java/jdk/Makefile java/jdk12-beta/Makefile java/jdk13/Makefile java/jre/Makefile java/jsdk/Makefile java/linux-ibm-jdk13/Makefile java/linux-jdk/Makefile java/linux-jdk13/Makefile java/linux-jdk14/Makefile To java@, how do you want the other 13 ports reported? One big PR? 13 individual PRs? Do you want to extend this PR to conver the other 13? Fix: Do *not* use tar|tar to install ports. Or do a massive "chown -Rh ..." afterwards. ==8<====8<====8<====8<====8<====8<====8<====8<====8<====8<== How-To-Repeat: Build as non-root. Install as root. This *should* work correctly, but does not.
I did some preliminary looking around. There's too much stuff that isn't owner and group safe. I feel like Don Quixote... I'm not going to follow with PRs for the other ports. <sigh/> -- AlanE "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - HST
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->java The Java mailing list should handle this. Greg?
Responsible Changed From-To: java->glewis I'll take this one.
State Changed From-To: open->closed All these ports are fixed (which isn't to say there aren't others in the ports tree with similar problems).