Tokyo Univ. of Science's domain name "" has changed to "" in April 2002. We can still use the old one for a year (until April 2003), but the ports that use the domain name as MASTER_SITES and so on should be fixed before the expiration. Fix: The ports including "" are as follows: hrs@alph % cd /usr/ports && find . -name "Makefile" -o -name "pkg-*" | xargs grep "sut\.ac\.jp" /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print $1}' | sort | uniq ./cad/pcb/Makefile ./ftp/mirror/Makefile ./games/nadar/Makefile ./games/nadar/pkg-descr ./games/xblood/Makefile ./games/xfireworks/Makefile ./games/xfireworks/pkg-descr ./graphics/wmicons/Makefile ./japanese/makejvf/pkg-descr ./japanese/ruby-chasen/Makefile ./japanese/samba/Makefile ./japanese/samba20/Makefile ./japanese/vfghostscript5/Makefile ./japanese/xshodou/Makefile ./korean/ftghostscript5/Makefile ./textproc/htmlsection/Makefile ./textproc/htmlsection/pkg-descr ./www/linux-netscape6/Makefile ./www/netscape47-communicator/Makefile ./x11-clocks/eyeclock/Makefile ./x11-clocks/eyeclock/pkg-descr ./x11-wm/afterstep-i18n/Makefile ./x11/xballoon/Makefile ./x11/xkeywrap/Makefile ./x11/xkeywrap/pkg-descr ./x11/xmangekyou/Makefile ./x11/xstarroll/Makefile How-To-Repeat: N/A
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->trevor I'm working on this.
Some of the new names don't yet work: *** can't find Non-existent host/domain *** can't find Non-existent host/domain Therefore I left those alone. I made a patch to update them. It is at . -- Trevor Johnson
State Changed From-To: open->analyzed Only some of the hostnames work with the new domain name. I patched the ones which work, and left the others alone.
Hi, Trevor Johnson <> wrote in <>: trevor> Some of the new names don't yet work: trevor> trevor> *** can't find Non-existent trevor> host/domain trevor> *** can't find Non-existent trevor> host/domain trevor> trevor> Therefore I left those alone. Thank you for the quick reply. I will try to contact the hostmaster of the non-existent hosts. -- | Hiroki Sato <> | <>
State Changed From-To: analyzed->closed The remaining ports have now been updated to use the new domain.