This category, described as "multiprocessor, clustered, or distributed computing" would make it easier for users to find software which can take advantage of this kind of environment. This type of computing is glamorous: for instance, the ACME cluster at Purdue ( was written up on Daemon News ( and Slashdot. Were this category approved, it could encourage more use of FreeBSD for this type of work, and lead to further favourable publicity for us. I have identified sixteen existing ports which would be suitable for inclusion in this category: 1. ports/devel/kelp 2. ports/devel/pmake 3. ports/graphics/pvmpov 4. ports/lang/mozart 5. ports/lang/lang/pm3-netobj 6. ports/lang/sr 7. ports/math/concorde 8. ports/math/parmetis 9. ports/math/scilab 10. ports/misc/pbs 11. ports/net/clusterit 12. ports/net/lam 13. ports/net/mpich 14. ports/net/pvm 15. ports/net/pvm++ 16. ports/science/mpqc The eight ports in the catch-all devel, misc, and net categories could be repo-copied into parallel/. The idea for this came from NetBSD. I discussed it briefly with FreeBSD committer Greg Lewis, and brought it up on the ports and developers lists. I saw no adverse remarks. Fix: N/A How-To-Repeat: N/A
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->portmgr asks for change to
Another port that belongs in this category is ports/net/generic-nqs . -- Trevor Johnson
State Changed From-To: open->closed Added as a virtual category, thanks. The original request was to add it as a real category, but we did not find a sufficient reason for it being a real category since most of the ports proposed for the category seemed better live in the current primary category. I think we can "upgrade" it to a real category in future if needed. Comments are welcome.