There are a few bugs in dnrd that should probably be fixed by the author but could be made to work on bsd: 1. Initialization in common.h of recv_addr is broken, causing at least the '-a' switch not to work. Instead of assuming positions of fields in the struct across platforms I thought it safer to do a standard initialization in main(). 2. The buffer overflow code in udp.c:dnsrecv() is off by one, rejecting messages where the size exactly fills the available buffer. I also changed to the calls to dnsrecv to pass 512 as the max size instead of the buffers that seem to be padded by 4 bytes for a reason I don't understand. This causes a calling named to resend packets. Eventually one seems to get through but response times can be painfully slow.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->greid over to maintainer
Responsible Changed From-To: greid->freebsd-ports-bugs Responsible person is no longer a ports committer
State Changed From-To: open->closed Commited, thanks!