Bug 41231 - lang/ghc/Makefile: no-profile patch
Summary: lang/ghc/Makefile: no-profile patch
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Oliver Braun
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-01 13:10 UTC by Volker Stolz
Modified: 2002-08-22 13:55 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

file.diff (403 bytes, patch)
2002-08-01 13:10 UTC, Volker Stolz
no flags Details | Diff
diff (63.13 KB, patch)
2002-08-01 17:57 UTC, obraun
no flags Details | Diff
pkg-message (294 bytes, text/plain; charset=us-ascii)
2002-08-01 17:57 UTC, obraun
no flags Details

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Volker Stolz 2002-08-01 13:10:01 UTC
Check NOPROFILE to see if profiled libraries are desired. Reduce build time & disk usage.

Fix: Patch approved by maintainer:
How-To-Repeat: n/a
Comment 1 obraun 2002-08-01 17:57:57 UTC
Your patch is not sufficient, since with NOPROFILE all profile .hi and
.a files will not be installed.

Find attached a patch and a pkg-message file.

* respect NOPROFILE in make process and in pkg-plist
* include all changes I have already submitted in PR ports/41051, so
  Committer, please close PR ports/41051 after committing this one.
* add pkg-message which was already part of PR ports/41051

Simon, can you take a look at this and approve it?

IST & IIS _ INF _ UniBwM _____ http://ist.unibw-muenchen.de/People/obraun/
Tele-Consulting GmbH _________ http://www.tele-consulting.com/ ___ obraun@
FreeBSD: The Power To Serve __ http://www.freebsd.org/ ___________________
Comment 2 obraun 2002-08-02 10:09:47 UTC
* Simon Marlow <simonmar@microsoft.com> [2002-08-02 10:52]:
> Approved.  Should there be a note somewhere about the NOPROFILE option?
> Where is the usual place to put such things?

Something like:

.if !defined(NOPROFILE)
        @${ECHO_CMD} "GHC .... with profile....."
        @${ECHO_CMD} "Define NOPROFILE to ...."
        @${ECHO_CMD} "GHC .... without profile....."

in the Makefile.

         Olli, leaving for a vacation trip
IST & IIS _ INF _ UniBwM _____ http://ist.unibw-muenchen.de/People/obraun/
Tele-Consulting GmbH _________ http://www.tele-consulting.com/ ___ obraun@
FreeBSD: The Power To Serve __ http://www.freebsd.org/ ___________________
Comment 3 Oliver Braun freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2002-08-21 16:36:31 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports->obraun

I'll handle this, since parts are submitted by me.
Comment 4 Oliver Braun freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2002-08-22 13:55:00 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed, thanks!