security/logcheck fails after being installed. It refers to /usr/local/var/tmp, which does not exist. Fix: patch in pre-configure section of Makefile needs to be modified: NOTE: followed was pasted and will contain spaces not tabs. pre-configure: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@/usr/local/etc/tmp@${PREFIX}/var/tmp@g; \ s@/usr/local@${PREFIX}@" ${WRKSRC}/Makefile \ ${WRKSRC}/systems/freebsd/ ${PREFIX}/var/tmp is the problem. How-To-Repeat: # pkg_add -r logcheck # /bin/sh /usr/local/etc/ /usr/local/etc/ cannot create /usr/local/var/tmp/check.53108: directory nonexistent /usr/local/etc/ cannot create /usr/local/var/tmp/check.53108: directory nonexistent
Oh, I'd forgotten this one was waiting. -- Dan Langille I'm looking for a computer job:
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->roberto I'm taking this one.
State Changed From-To: open->closed /tmp will be used instead. Thanks !