Update to new kdrill version, 6.0. How-To-Repeat: N/A
The md5 checksum I get is different from the one in the PR, can you please confirm what the right one is? >> Attempting to fetch from http://www.bolthole.com/kdrill/. Receiving kdrill6.0.tar.gz (225242 bytes): 100% 225242 bytes transferred in 45.0 seconds (4.89 kBps) [~/cvs/ports/japanese/kdrill] edwin@k7>make checksum >> Checksum mismatch for kdrill6.0.tar.gz. [~/cvs/ports/japanese/kdrill] edwin@k7>cat distinfo MD5 (kdrill6.0.tar.gz) = 6ec255ffa6f35dd709ff7123cca99b8d [~/cvs/ports/japanese/kdrill] edwin@k7>md5 /usr/ports/distfiles/kdrill6.0.tar.gz MD5 (/usr/ports/distfiles/kdrill6.0.tar.gz) = b8548cf231edd8c7f70ee908085ef070 Edwin -- Edwin Groothuis | Personal website: http://www.MavEtJu.org edwin@mavetju.org | Weblog: http://www.mavetju.org/weblog/weblog.php bash$ :(){ :|:&};: | Interested in MUDs? http://www.FatalDimensions.org/
State Changed From-To: open->closed Commited with an explanation about the changed MD5 checksum, thanks!