Sam is the default Plan9 editor. It is provided on FreeBSD through the ports mechanism. <ports>/editors/sam installs a program that wants to create temp files in /usr/tmp, a directory that does not exist per default on FreeBSD. Sam replies to the insult of having its wish denied by raising IOT/ABRT and dump core. Fix: The easy workaround is providing a pkg-message which instructs the user to create /usr/tmp, or a symlink to from, say, /var/tmp to /usr/tmp. Otherwise, a patch should be provided which changes /usr/tmp to /var/tmp in the sam source. How-To-Repeat: Install sam via ports. Then just invoke it: $ sam sam: panic: can't create buffer file sam: panic: can't create buffer file Abort (core dumped)
State Changed From-To: open->closed Not a PR.
State Changed From-To: closed->open closed erroneously
State Changed From-To: open->closed Fixed, thanks!